Work And Study At The Same Time


How difficult is it to work and study at the same time? Online training, e-learning and blended learning options offer flexibility and many positive advantages, making it possible to achieve professional and academic goals at the same time. We explore the best tricks for studying and working, and we give you practical tips to facilitate this balance.

Studying and working at the same time can be a challenge that many people encounter when they want to retrain professionally. But the truth is that combining studies with work is easy with proper planning and effective strategies. What do I do to work and study at the same time? Is it just a matter of time management? Do I have to leave my job for a while if I want to study and retrain? Let’s look at the most effective techniques to get organized when studying, working and surviving at the same time.

Study and work can be done

Here are some essential ideas for those who want to embark on this challenge of working and studying at the same time (without dying trying): 

  • Establish your objectives: defining your objectives both in the work and academic spheres is the first step in deciding to work and study at the same time. These clear goals will provide you with the necessary motivation to not lose your nerve, patience or desire even when things get increasingly complicated.
  • Think about realistic goals: trying to study 5 hours a day after a full 8-hour work day is very difficult and it will be difficult for you to maintain it over time, so thinking about realistic goals based on your possibilities will allow you to achieve your objectives without frustration. Better to go slower in achieving the final goal than to resign for wanting to cover too much.
  • Create a flexible schedule: Adapting to work and study schedules at the same time requires flexibility. Design a schedule that fits your responsibilities and allocate time for each activity: studying and working at the same time will be much easier if you know when to do each thing.
  • Prioritize tasks: just as you should know how to identify the most important and urgent tasks in your work, you should also do this in your studies. If you think about how to study and work at the same time, but you want to do it all at the same time, it will not be possible for you. The solution is to focus on what is essential and avoid feeling overwhelmed by the accumulation of responsibilities.

Tips for studying and working at the same time

Now that we have seen that working and studying is feasible, we present practical tips to facilitate this balance:

1. Look for online training options:

With the growth of online training, today you have the possibility to study and work flexibly. Precisely, the great advantage of teletraining or online training is that you can study from anywhere and at any time. Take advantage of e-learning platforms that adapt to your work schedule.

2. Consider B-learning:

The blended learning modality (B-learning) or blended training combines face-to-face classes with online resources. This option offers direct interaction and flexibility, allowing you to balance your work and study schedules.

3. Use time management tools:

Apply techniques such as the Pomodoro method to study, where you can maximize productivity, you will know how to better manage your time to study and you will avoid procrastination.

4. Tell your boss that you are studying:

If you are studying while working, tell your boss. First, many companies value the continuous training of their workers and the fact that you have decided to study while you work and retrain professionally. And second, you will be able to justify better at work if one day you have to be absent because you have to take an in-person exam, or you need certain information from the company that can help you in your work, for example.

5. Find a realistic balance between studying and working:

As we have already mentioned before, you don’t want to cover too much. Set realistic expectations about the workload you can handle. Don’t overload yourself, as this can negatively affect both your work performance and your academic performance.

6. Create an efficient study space:

Dedicate a quiet space free of distractions for your studying and working. When you’re working, work. When you are studying, study. Find an optimal environment for learning and focus on what you are doing. This will make a difference and make you more efficient in your studies.

7. Collaborate with classmates:

Creating connections with classmates and telling them about your work situation can facilitate the sharing of resources and collaboration on projects, which can make the academic load more bearable.

8. Take advantage of online training resources and e-learning platforms:

The good thing about online training, teletraining, E-learning or B-learning is that they have digital platforms where you can find resources and support tools during training. Being able to consult it whenever you want will make your daily life easier and it will be easier for you to find the balance between working and studying.

Benefits of studying and working at the same time

Beyond the challenges of studying and working, combining study and work can offer a number of significant benefits:

Development of multitasking skills:

Working and studying at the same time develops your ability to manage multiple tasks, a valuable skill in today’s work environment.

Practical application of knowledge:

Applying what you learn and putting it into practice in a real work environment reinforces your knowledge and facilitates long-term retention. 

Improved time management: 

Sometimes the more we do, the more productive we are. Efficient time management becomes a key skill, which benefits both your work and academic life.

Potential salary improvement:

Having extra skills and knowledge thanks to studying and working increases your value in the labor market and, consequently, you can access a salary increase.

Is it good to work and study at the same time?

Balancing work and study can be a challenging yet rewarding endeavor, offering both advantages and potential drawbacks. On the positive side, simultaneous work and study can enhance time management skills, providing practical application of theoretical knowledge. Financially, it allows individuals to support themselves and alleviate the burden of student loans. Additionally, the real-world experience gained through employment can complement academic learning, fostering a holistic skill set. However, the downside includes potential stress and burnout due to the demanding schedule, risking compromised academic performance. Striking a balance requires effective organization, prioritization, and self-discipline. Ultimately, the decision depends on individual circumstances, goals, and the ability to manage both responsibilities effectively.


Studying and working at the same time is good for your future career and is a challenge that, with proper planning and commitment, can be successfully overcome. Online training, e-learning and blended learning options are good strategies for studying and working at the same time, achieving professional and academic goals simultaneously. Dare to study and work without fear and boost your professional future!


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