Many of you have wondered how to memorize abstract notions. I suggest to do this together.
Take this article.
It should be important for virtually any superlearner, since it explains why smart people make mistakes.
Now, use your markers skills to remember everything in the article. Take your time – there are many markers to build and link.
Every time you totally fail to generate marker – ask for help and we will do this together.
Good luck to all of us 🙂

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Thanks for your suggestions of using fantasy and “high level visualization”; more virtual memory palaces that do not have to be bound by a physical structure. I like the idea of generating entire landscapes where some of the houses can exist as a way of creating more stations. I noticed tha mneumonic literature that it is often recommended to stick to the real locations one has experienced but that as one advances there are obvious benefits to this more sophisticated suggestion. Also, it is helpful to think of the characters being multiple in the service of a category. It will be helpful to hear of some of the examples others may have to use these methods. At some time, during this thread, I would like to see one of the examples you may have generated related to the article as well. thanks again for such an interesting course.
I tend to generate something like video game, often following one of known books/genres of SciFi or Fantasy.
I am spending a lot of time with this — an hour so far. I doing more than one exercise with this material. I have trouble moving quickly with the creation of the visual markers but I have found that I am pleased with making visual associations to the first few items out of the 28 ideas (Memory Medic– William Klemm, DVM) I am also using a memory palace or temple ( my chldhood home to remember each error of thinking) as a way of linking the items. Perhaps not really the use of linking but certainly a way of keeping the sequence of ideas.
Station #1- Parents bathroom– AD HOMINEN argument– attacking credentials pictured by — the listener pounding on top of the persons head that really is a diploma in the place of a head. The words aren’t heard because of the mouth being gaged by a cloth.
Station #2- Fathers side of the bed- ALL OR NOTHING- a magician produces animals and then , poof, making them disappear. Also, my dad could be an all or nothing guy.
Station #3- Mother’s side- ANTHROPORMORPHISM– an ant morphes into my mom ( who really happens to be short. )
Station #4- My room shared with – my side— APPEAL TO AUTHORITY-I am standing as a young child faced to the United States flag stating the pledge of allegiance —
And so on… given all the time that it takes to do this— it would really have to be an important article for me to remember– any other short cuts except for practice, practice, practice?
High-level visualization is my version of loci method. You kind of imagine an online game, only there are other characters (NPCs) besides you. These other characters enable linking articles by categories – like what is the main factor generating a category. Also you run from room to room to speed up the process. You can place the house in imaginary landscape where you can add details that do not belong to specific rooms, like examples and clarifications. And you may carry on your body items that allow you to solve the particular fallacies in each room. Also you may put more than one house within the imaginary landscape to increase the volume of information.
the density of abstract words in the article drives me crazy 😀
That’s why it is a great exercise 🙂