Advanced superlearning course

For years I have been teaching the “advanced” course and yet I had only a handful of students.  Advanced course teaches high-level visualization, linking large amounts of information, prioritization of information, powerful prereading and other interesting superlearning techniques. What is not a part of the advanced course The “advanced” course does not handle speedreading and …

Avoiding subvocalization

Luca Lenardi Tips on avoiding subvocalization I’m finding extremely hard to avoid subvocalizing. Whenever I’m trying to encode a saccade, I’m instinctively subvocalize the word I’m focusing. Is there any other specific tip or suggestion/exercise we can leverage, to avoid subvocalization? Thanks. Jonathan A. Levi Use the “Progressive Overload” methodology to gradually increase speed. At …

Chunking and linking markers

Our students learn to manipulate with visual markers they  create, often relying on trial and error. There are at least two operations on visual markers that create basic knowledge representation: chunking and linking. Chunking deals with structuring information into manageable chunks. Linking deals with defining relationships between chunks and within chunks. Below is a discussion …

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