This may sound like a joke, yet it is very serious. The size of your brain can change the way you think in strange and surprising ways. Nobody truly understands why, but there are many interesting research results. More reading here, here, here, and here. If your are interested in memory, speedreading and learning skills, try …
How PAOs allow one visualization for five words
PAO is a visualization of a person performing an action with an object. I argue that PAO is a fast and comfortable way to visualize 5 words in one visualization. If you’re eager to tap into your memory landscapes using exclusive and contemporary methods inspired by the indigenous memory technique, consider enrolling in my memory …
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Dr Strange and multidimensional mental structures
Mindmaps and mental palaces are essentially two-dimensional structures. This allows for simple navigation: linear and lateral itineraries. 99% of the time this is more than enough. Articles are fixed: once we place an article in a mental structure it is not likely to move. Projects are hierarchical. We can move up and down the hierarchy …
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Customer Service With A Smile
Customers are the primary source of revenue for every business, so they should always come first. Customer service is a crucial factor in a business’s success or failure because every interaction with customers will either be positive or negative. Client dedication and rehashing business are probably going to develop because of the astounding client assistance. …
7 Tips for Making the Right Keyword Selection For Your Business
If you still do not have a keyword strategy for your website, what are you waiting for to create it? Here we share some tips and tools that will be of great help to you. Why are keywords important? Keywords, also known as keywords, refer to certain terms with which users usually find content on …
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Humans Can’t Be Measured by Numbers Alone: Here’s How to Separate the Data from Truly Actionable Insights
Businesses have never had more data available than now, and it’s never been easier to access. There’s even data about data and analytics! With so much at our disposal, there’s no reason to be uninformed about your customers or business – unless you’re just not trying. But to be informed on a human level, connecting …
Saving the day with a smile
sEvery April 1st I write about humor. You are welcome to search this blog from several years back and verify. Today, I want to focus on the evolutionary advantage. Why do we smile? Why do we laugh? How does it help us? Can we really save the day with a smile? You are welcome to read …
The Rise Of The “Solopreneur” – Why People Are Choosing To Run business
The world of work has undergone significant changes in recent years, with many people now opting to start their own businesses rather than working for traditional employers. This trend has given rise to the “solopreneur” – an individual who runs their own business and works for themselves. In this article, we will explore the reasons …
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Fiction Writing vs Technical Writing: Key Points to Know
A multitude of artistic genres can be employed in writing. The two types of writing that are most frequently used are technical writing and fiction writing. They adopt a totally different strategy and have quite distinct objectives and personal preferences. Although each form has unique characteristics and advantages, it requires a different set of skills …
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What Is Relational Marketing And Its Objectives?
Relationship marketing is a valuable instrument that aims to create closer and more faithful relationships with our customers. This brief definition is just the beginning of what we want to tell you about here, since this type of social marketing is undoubtedly much more complex. If you want to continue knowing in depth what relationship …
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