I was asked by several of my students to write about the ChatGPT, yet I kept delaying it. The reason is very simple. I have so many conflicting feelings, that I did not know where to begin. Let us start with a simple idea of the “uncanny valley”. Uncanny valley The current generation of AI …
Top 9 online Tools Every Entrepreneur should use in 2023
Entrepreneurs have to deal with a lot of stuff to let their business activities run smoothly. Sometimes they find themselves stuck in difficult things. Are you a small business owner and looking for a helping hand? If yes, then you have landed at the right place because today, we will let you know about some …
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Thank you note
This article is not going to be long. I wish you a happy new year, and I want to thank you for your support. Every time you write me a warm mail really matters. We are not really building a business, but a community for people who want to be their best selves and make …
How Can Students Prepare for Economic Uncertainty?
While we sometimes hate to face it, the current economy of our world affects every person living in it. For students, this means that economic hardships can affect their ability to pay school tuition fees or for books and computers while in school. This also means that students may struggle to pay back student loans …
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Full access superdeal
Once a year for a limited time a very small group of students I propose the deal with utmost mutual commitment. The deal includes 12 sessions with Anna and FULL lifetime access to current and future courses on Thinkific https://keytostudy.thinkific.com/bundles/keytostudy-full-access. What makes the deal more special is a very deep discount of around 74%. The …
Logical markers: the most intuitive and misunderstood memory construct
Logical markers do not require special learning, as we already learned them in schools for more than a decade. If you are not using them to remember things, it is a psychological barrier. Once you try, they will feel more natural and intuitive than any other memory construct. My favorite logical marker There is only …
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Systematic creativity: sections and subjects of speedwriting and research masterclasses
Sometimes I struggle with naming what I do. Speedwriting and research masterclasses are examples of my bad branding, and I hope to rebrand them in near future. While I might be unhappy with the course names, I am definitely excited about their content. So I tell you what. I will describe the content of the …
When is the right time for speedwriting
Speedwriting is good as long as you have a Eurika moment, or have enough materials to generate new insights while writing. If you have too many thoughts then speedwriting can clean up your head. But if you are puzzled or bored it might backfire… What is speedwriting? It is just another critical part of superlearning …
Tips for Staying Healthy and Fit Over the Winter
Are you one of those people who shut down and go into hibernation mode during winter? Many people feel that with cold weather and the lack of sunshine, all they can do is curl up on their sofa with a bunch of blankets, and watch Netflix all day. If you find that this description fits …
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5 Time-Saving Tools for Teachers and Students to Get Help in academic Writing
Teachers and students who have a lot of work don’t have time to wait for slow Internet connections or problem-prone programs. This can lead to frustration, which is only worsened when you need a quick answer to a problem. In short, it’s not always easy to get help when you need it most. But due …
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