Long term memory: revisiting vs speedwriting

Suppose you want to remember something for a very long time. How do you ensure memorization? There are many methods, which can be roughly divided into three categories: reviewing the notes (revisiting), actively using (speedwriting) and lifestyle choices (sleep, food, …).  Here I compare revisiting with speedwriting, and provide some actionable tips. The lifestyle element …

Binary numbers and chessboards

Binary numbers and chessboards

The decimal numbers and metric system are not the only possible representation of measures. With computers today, we use mainly a binary representation of numbers. Hence it makes sense to have specific binary-friendly visualizations and memorizations. If you’re intrigued by the idea of tapping into your memory’s vast terrain through innovative methods drawn from Aboriginal …

Logical markers: abstract constants and variables

How should we remember constants and variables? There are many formulas in sciences, and these formulas use constants and variables. Some of these constants and variables are almost abstract, like the Plank constant. How should we treat them? “Logical markers” are like mental signposts, helping you describe non-mathematical things in a precise and accurate way. …