The best thing about mindmaps is the ease of rearranging the information. Entire branches can be moved with one operation. You do not get that with mental palaces. Yet, you need a computer to enjoy it… Or not? How did notetaking and mindmaps look like two hundred years ago? People used to research back then. You …
Shared memory
Is there such a thing as a national memory, a memory shared between many people and not specific to any person? Once I would be skeptical, but now I would argue, there is and we can become a part of it. Identity defined by the memory Our identity is often defined by our experiences. If …
Find a mentor to bridge the gap between the school and the job
The first job you get will often define your career. For every other job, you will be able to present the biography, recommendation, and explanation of your experience. The first job is different. It defines your expertise, the kind of reputation you have and the path your career will take. Today I will talk from …
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Back to school deal 2021
This year the back-to-school deal comes a bit late. The reason is very simple. I am working on new masterclass materials and did not want to declare a deal before I knew what I offer. The offer is very simple. 8 core masterclasses and 8 sessions with Anna with a huge discount. This will be …
How to ace your homework
Homework is the biggest time investment during school years. And after the school homework disappears. Or not? How can we ace homework? What can we do after school is over? Why do the kids get homework? Kids spend much less time at school than they do at home. Students spend more time at school than …
Angry children
Some of our kids are angry. Especially after the COVID19 period. There is a lot of suppressed energy. Nobody can handle effectively so many changes during one year. But angry children are nothing new. They have always been around. And in theory, we should know how to handle them effectively. More reading here, here, here, here, …
Why creativity is not boring
Creativity is and should be joyful if done correctly. If not properly managed, it can become stressful or boring. Most of the writing after the intro will be from my personal experience – as this is the only emotional universe I can adequately judge. You may want to complement this article by reading here, here, here, …
Think deeper
Do not speed up, jumping from one idea to another. Take an idea and try to think about it. When you exhausted the things that come to mind, take a break. Then think again, and this time become creative. Think deeper. Read here, here, here, here, and here. Creativity on demand OK, the language I …
The bits and pieces of our IQ
Being smart is very nice, but IQ [intelligence quotient] is not something we can boast about. It does not guarantee achievements, its measurement is somewhat arbitrary, and many people simply do not understand it. So, what is this IQ and how can we use it? In today’s article, I suggest you top read here, here, here, …
Top 10 Memory Games for Kids and Their Benefits
All parents desire that their kids get the best possible privilege to have a good shot at opportunities in the course of their lives. One of the ways they seek to achieve this is by ensuring the child has a strong academic background and develops a sound memory. Parents desire that their kids get productively …
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