Along with social distancing efforts and heightened precaution, COVID-19 brought on an increase in the use of education technology, or edtech. This combination of technology and theory is used in training and has proved to increase engagement and retention in learners. Edtech use has risen as professionals march on with their careers during this pandemic. …
Four kinds of memory markers
We mention memory markers a lot in different contexts and courses. Memory markers are used to recall certain experiences. Experiences can be different, as well as memory markers. All of these markers are important and useful, and I want to explain how they can be used. This is becoming a bit confusing, so I want …
Second wave lessons
The second COVID19 lockdown recently ended in Israel. How was it different from the first one and what did my family learn from it? That’s a long story with a long reading list. So get comfortable and listen carefully. If you want to learn more I recommend that you visit my course teaching masterclass and …
Intuition or confabulation?
Billion Chinese cannot be wrong. Except, occasionally they are. Can we predict when the wisdom of crowds will fail? Can we benefit from it? Today you can read more here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. Wisdom of crowds When a group of people sees something that they have never discussed, they can …
The Easiest Way to Memorize Chinese Words
If you want to become proficient in Chinese, you must learn how to memorize Chinese words. In this article, Daniel Nalesnik, founder of Hack Chinese will share his personal conclusions, based on his experience moving to China as a complete beginner, and then passing the highest levels of the official proficiency exams several years later. …
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The anatomy of gratitude
When we talk about gratitude we often assume that gratitude is something specific, one very clear feeling that we all experience. I do not believe this to be true. As far as I know, there are many kinds of gratitude, constructed from very different elements. More reading here, here, here, here, here, and here. Mental …
101 questions to ask yourself
Asking questions is the basic and most effective tool of creativity, productivity, and happiness. When we question ourselves, we may find our true purpose. What questions should we ask? Find some examples below. For more reading see here, here, here, here, here, and here. Annoying 101 lists To be honest the 101 lists slightly annoy me. …
Teaching masterclass
With COVID19 our children face more dangers than ever before. This pandemic has many faces: health, economy, and mental health. Our children need to study remotely and we need to support their efforts. The crisis can also be a great opportunity. I will try to explain how we can make this work. Giveaway Before we …
What do we learn from US presidents?
The US president is the most powerful man in the world. So all eyes are on that man. Yet all people are unique and leaders have profoundly unique styles. What can we learn from the US presidents, and does that apply to our own lives? I want to approach this as an exercise in critical …
1000 articles 1000 videos speedwriting milestone
I just hit a personal milestone: 1000 edited videos on Thinkific, and 1000 edited articles in this blog. So I want to share my experiences with you. More can be found in my speedwriting course. Want to see why I am so excited about speedreading and speedwriting? Check out my speedreading masterclass and speedwriting masterclasses. …
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