When we act out of anxiety or obsession we often make our own happiness impossible. For some people being happy is as easy as breathing. For others, this is the hardest skill on earth. Just like we can systematically build the conditions required for our happiness, we can systematically generate conditions that prevent it. Before …
Healing weekend
What is the role of weekends in our lives? We can choose this role ourselves. The way we spend our weekends often defines the meaning of our lives in a given time period. It also is a strong indicator of our values and priority. Calendar week The weekend used to be a day of rest …
Physical activity intensity
This is a summary of my own small research for my own purposes, sort of demo of research diary. When I start I do not know where I end. The question is interesting and important: what kind of training is most useful? I have no idea where we end, so each research is a small …
How to Manage Remote Teams from the Other Side of the Globe
Dealing with remote employees can be challenging. Usually to do that we need highly motivated people, good communication, and well-defined tasks. This mode of work can be very satisfying as long as there is discipline and mutual respect. In this guest article, Regina Del Rosario shares some simple ideas based on her experience. Long before …
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Legacy: writing for your children
What motivates people? This seems to be a trivial question, but the answers are often amazing. In this article, I will focus on some of my own motives for writing this blog and related materials. The reason is very simple: if any of these applies, you might want to use some of my tools. Secret …
Evolution, revolution and science
Science works in mysterious ways. Since we read and write scientific publications, we at least hope that people will read and cite what we have to say. But will that really matter? Hard to say. For more reading check here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. The nature of scientific evolution There is a persistent …
Productivity for wisdom workers
To which extent can we optimize our life? What are the limiting factors and reasonable goals? Just how productive should we become? Here I will try to answer these questions. The goal of productivity What exactly is productivity? This question changes as our economy evolves and we undergo personal development. I argue that a modern …
Productive insomnia
Recently I had more opportunities to work with sleep hacking. I feel more productive but also exhausted. My productivity doubled for the time of the experiment. And I am ready to share some things I learned about sleep. Polyphasic sleep Our monophasic 9 hours per night sleep is a modern creation, a result of long …
Writing a Gratitude Diary Is Actually Have a Greater Impact on Our Happiness
This guest post by Samantha Kaylee is the best resource on the gratitude diary I saw so far. It is very practical and full of great tips. I am really happy to share it. Apart from all the hustling and bustling of our daily lives, people nowadays need to find gratitude for whoever they are …
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The nature of trust
Trust is very important for many social activities. Be it trade, collaboration, or competition, the trust ensures fair game. We want to be trusted. This provides access to better deals, emotional support, and better sleep at night. What does it take to be trusted? TLDR Before we go into a long discussion, I want to …