Can I use a 3D printer to become more productive, or is it ruining our productivity? This is a confusing tail of a casual user. It is also a classical technology acceptance tale. Prologue As the costs of owning a decent 3D printer is ridiculously low, I bought an Ender 3 printer about a year …
Towards a mindful society
I have been procrastinating with this article for a while. Mindfulness is just one of those subjects who are overhyped and underrated at the same time. As individuals, we can practice mindfulness, but wouldn’t it be better to live in a mindful society? As it happens, I have more than just opinion and these opinions …
Using text as memory palace
As we work with texts, we may need no other physical structure to store our visualizations. The text’s own structure may be sufficiently unique to be used almost like a memory palace. I did not previously encounter this technique anywhere except for my wife’s lessons. The beauty of the text When we see a printed …
Being overwhelmed: Paris syndrome
When I drive I occasionally listen to the radio. One of the shows discussed a syndrome called by the name of a city. I knew nothing about it, but once I hear something I remember. So I checked out here, here, and here and decided to write about similar experiences. To see Paris and die …
Extra meaning: experts and dilemmas
Suppose you have an absolutely wonderful idea. You are afraid someone will steal it. You share the idea with people you trust the most. And they give you a cold shower. Probably this will have a strong effect on your confidence… But really, should it? Today’s reading can be found here, here, here, here, here, …
Using a reading diary: 5 types of diary
One of the important skills for massive speedreading is reading diary maintenance. The subject sounds a bit dull, but it is more important and more complex than it appears. Occasionally I write articles about various kinds of reading diaries. Here I want to focus on getting the best return on the time invested maintaining such …
The holes in our knowledge are like bugs in a weather-sealed lens
A saw a story about bugs living inside a weather-sealed lens. That’s a place where there should be no bug of any kind, and yet they were there. What else do we miss? How often do we see profoundly rare outliers? More reading here, here, here, here, here, and here. Visualizations created by life itself …
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Reading diary for online research
When we research stuff online, it is best to keep a diary. This is a short and useful article, so no further reading today. Why do we need online research? Some younger and less experienced people try to learn things from books and video courses. These learning channels are definitely useful but not very effective. …
Addicted to comfort
I am addicted to comfort, and here I acknowledge that I have a problem. Why do I say that and how can I treat it? Let us discuss it together. I think the issues are quite common for people over 40. Today you are invited to read here, here, here, here, here, and here. Long …
Physical meaning method
When looking for visual associations we can use the physical meaning of the concept. This method was so intuitive for me, that I never actually wrote about it. Only recently a student helped me figured out it is not used enough, and that very simple words are totally abstract for many students. I will use an …