Every year, for the April 1st I write a post about things that are fun and funny. This is a serious blog that deals with learning, self-help and career. If I choose to write about fun and funny, I must have some very serious reasons. Today I will share why I think that funny is …
Climbing the tree of knowledge to find the giant within
This metaphor is a bit cheesy, yet I will try to use a fresh angle. The premise is very simple. We search for knowledge to gain something bigger. From my experience this is only a partial success. In this article I want to explain why. If you want to explore with me, you are also …
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Cognitive audit for who you really are
Suppose we have all the tools, money and time to make a huge change in our life. What should we do with ourselves? Probably perform a cognitive audit for who we really are. This particular post is not informative, but actionable. If you want some background information, please check here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. …
How to raise self-disciplined and creative children?
What is the best way to raise children? Each generation, culture, group, and family has a different set of answers. One of the biggest issues parents have to balance: how to raise children that have both creativity and discipline. You are welcome to read more here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, …
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How to Manage Job Search Stress
Today in the guest post by Danny Kariuki we explore the effect of stress on job search and get 10 tips for landing a better job. Some of these tips are almost counterintuitive, yet when you understand the incentives you will probably want to follow them. Since you are here, you must be having a …
Dealing with phobias at school
For many students the school is intimidating. I was intimidated by bullies in the elementary school and the school gym. My wife Anna suffered from dyslexia until she learned speedreading, and some school subjects were quite fearsome for her. Some of my friends and fellow memory experts feared math. The school does not have to …
How to Futureproof Your Career (Infographic)
Most of the people below the age of 40 are somewhat stressed about the future of their chosen occupation. We are entering the age of AI, and no job is truly safe. In this guest article, David Keane is trying to assess the risks. You are welcome to share your thoughts and concerns in the comments. According …
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Opening up for learning
People who read this blog usually are interested in learning. People who contact us are working hard to improve their learning skills. Some of the people write to thank us for our job, and this is very satisfying. Others ask for advice. Many conversations start from technical questions and quite soon deal with deal with deep …
Revisiting places of memory
We may train our memory and read texts, but then how much of that will we remember just after a day? We may go further, create notes and review them for a while, but eventually, we will stop. How much will we remember after twenty years? Does memory training work at all when we consider long …
Best Ways to Show Your Emotional Intelligence in an Interview
So you have just been invited for a job interview. This has come probably after months of applications sending. To be honest, job interviews come with their own pressures; how to impeccably respond to questions asked, your demeanor when asked difficult questions, and most importantly, how you grab your hiring manager’s attention and create that good, …
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