The subject of innovation has always been of a great interest for me.Competition and innovation might be the main drivers of the western civilization. Without the constant flow of new ideas and technologies, the humanity would face a devastating crisis. While the rate of innovation is accelerating, we should work harder to contribute. For more …
Critical thinking and challenging rules
Some rules are good and preserve us from anarchy. Too many rules can stop any reasonable growth. Where to draw the line? which rules should be challenged? Is there a good timing to challenge the rules? In this article, I want to check some relatively fresh perspectives on the subject. For more reading, you can …
The quality not the quantity of learning matters
In learning as in many other things quality is more important than quantity. Quite often students ask me for a rigid training schedule, hoping that following such a schedule will transform them into superlearners. While hard work and discipline are very important for any successful activity, there are other factors playing an equally important role. …
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Group learning
In the first day of September children usually go to school after the summer vacation. Many children use the summer vacation to learn on their own, things that have very little to do with their school subjects. Some children learn music or read books, while others swim or shoot hoops. When the vacation is over, …
Unreasonable expectations and struggling families
Our unreasonable expectations quite often do not allow us to be successful and happy. We can see it in many areas of life. Our children are the clearest mirror of our expectations and strange ways they are shaping the reality. Managing expectations is definitely something any responsible adult should strive to master. You can read …
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Rethink your emotions
As the summer is about to end, it may be a good time to get the last moments of the summer vacation and sun and prepare for the next round of learning. For many people, this is an emotional time combining anxiety, anticipation, and pleasure. Many people use the vacation to shake off the stress …
Hard talks with children
Being parents, we want our children to have all the benefits of our experience. Conveying this experience in a clear and helpful form is not an easy task. We cannot expect to succeed every time, yet some simple tools help to get the message across. For this article, I collected information by reading here, here, …
Avoiding clutter and stress
Deciding what not to do is as important as deciding what to do. Truly good things are quite often very simple, maybe even too simple for most of us. The art of simplification is hard for me, so I work harder to improve my skills. For more information please check this infographic and also here, …
Learning with feelings
Usually, when we discuss learning we address anything but feelings. This can be very convenient if our feelings are tuned with what we learned. When our feelings are in the way of what we learn, we try to activate the willpower and concentrate on more intellectual and technical aspects of learning. Sometimes we would like …
5 Regrets of Straight A-Student
Being a successful student does not necessarily mean having great grades. A successful student will have grades above adequate, and also will network with other students, learn a couple of things about life, and have fun. The learning success is mirrored by a successful career. Grades alone do not promise a career success. The articles …