Setting goals and referencing the goals we set is the most important part of any strategy. If we set wrong goals or do not address our goals when we make critical decisions, there is no way to know what direction our project will take. In this article, I want to discuss some common mistakes people make …
Ditch control to find resilience and motivation
Resilience and motivation are closely connected. When we lose resilience, we get stressed and negative, with lower energy and motivation. Being highly motivated, we recruit people around us to help us, we make sure our body is up for the challenge, we feel pleasure and purpose in what we do. I suggest reading further here, here, …
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Why US education is broken
It is no secret that the US education is broken. Some challenges are very specific to the american way of life, and other challenges are universal. Since this blog is read by people worldwide, usually I focus on universal issues. In this guest article, Alyssa Johnson tries to address the issues which tend to be specific …
How The VR Classroom Represents the Future of Education
Virtual and augmented reality devices are entering our lives and schools. As new technologies enter our lives, we are constantly looking for new ways to make the technology work for us. Quite often, it is simple and straightforward. It is pretty clear how to use virtual or augmented reality for entertainment. Using it for education …
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Prepare for a new job
My mother worked two jobs in her entire life: one in Russian and one in Israel. My father had about 12 jobs in his entire life, which was a lot in his social circuit. I had more jobs than I would like to count. I left in my CV about 12 of these jobs, and …
Weathering cycles of positive thinking and burnout
By now, I have been working in the same disciplines for decades. The experience is highlighting previously hidden connections and new patterns start to emerge. One of the things that strike me is the strength and depth of positive thinking and burnout in my own life. I do not want you to repeat my mistakes, …
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Compulsive productivity and bad choices.
People who are vulnerable or emotionally hurt tend to make poor decisions. Addiction, depression, social status, criticism and some other things can influence individuals and whole societies to choose a path of self-destruction. We live in a society that drives us to be productive beyond our capabilities, so this article is relevant for most of …
Neurotic life, resilience and handling stress
I am probably a neurotic person. For sure I react to stressors. Fortunately, I am also sufficiently intelligent to channel my anxieties in a constructive way. In this article, I share my personal ways to deal with neurotism backed up by scientific research. For more information check out here, here, here, here, here, here, here …
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Feeling the books
When we are looking for new information, we read as fast as we can to understand the text and retain the knowledge within. This is the reason why people take speedreading classes. Occasionally, I need to deal with the opposite challenge: reading the text for the maximal emotional impact. For example, when reading fiction or some …
Direct current brain stimulation
A couple of weeks ago I finally found the courage to pump my brain with direct current as I read a very complex mathematical paper. I bought a very simple device called “The Brain Stimulator” and used “improving insightfulness” setting. The electrodes were moist and warm and quite pleasant. The device was extremely easy to …