One on one with Anna over Skype is the best and most exclusive product we offer. In my mind, all of you are heroes simply because it requires a lot of courage and dedication to change yourself in a profound way. Yet even heroes need help, and here we come to your aid. I will …
Multilingual learning
I know three languages very well, and some more languages not as well, maybe enough to read a newspaper. My grandmother claimed to know 12 languages, and I can vouch that at least five of them she knew as well as I know English. This is by no means a unique skillset. Maybe due to …
How to Implement Design Thinking in the Classroom
You have probably noticed, that around 50% of our new content is dedicated to guest articles. Brenda Savoie is a private English tutor and desperate dreamer. Writing her first romantic novel. Check her blog Best Writing Clues. Find her on Twitter and Facebook. This particular subject was chosen for several reasons. First, it is very …
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Dealing with sleep misconceptions
In this blog I often talk about misconception and sometimes about sleep. It is only natural at some point to deal with popular sleep misconceptions. For further information I suggest reading here, here, here, here, here, here and here. What is a microsleep? A good sleep lasts for several hours, maybe seven hours is a …
Last call for the mobile app beta testers
I would like to thank all my students for working with training exercises on this site. Special thanks for those brave men and women that beta tested our mobile app and helped to develop it. We provide unique offers and special discounts for our beta testers. The app is almost ready to go public. As …
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Smile to win
No matter how much we know and how productive we are, we do need the help of other people. Communication with others can be the biggest source of fulfilment and of frustration. Today I offer you reading here, here, here, here, here, and here. Smile, the superweapon Smiling is easy and effective. When we smile …
Five Simple Habits That Will Transform Your Writing Forever
This blogs welcomes high quality guest posts. Today we publish an article by Christina Battons. Christina Battons is an author and content strategist who helps people and students succeed at writing, self-education, professional development and more by sharing with them my knowledge. Nowadays writing blog posts at various sites, available on Twitter. The reason I …
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Tips on exercising your brain
We address memory training quite seriously and have many different exercises on our site. In this post, I want to share some training tips inspired by this, this, this and this articles. Specific and generic training If you research a subject or write a code, you do many different and seemingly unconnected tasks. It is …
Strategic studying
There are many reasons to study. Some people study to get a degree and find a job. Others study because of their curiosity. When we study to fill in the gap in our capabilities and reach a bigger goal, I would call it a strategic studying. Here I discuss the way I handle strategic studying. …
Do coaching classes help students with their academic studies?
This is a guest article by Charles Griver. He describes himself as “a professional writer who deals with varieties of areas including academic writing, original content writing, blog article writing and so on. Charles has started his career as a writer after completing his Masters in English Language and Literature from UC Berkeley.” The author …
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