This is a short post to offer a very specific solution for mental palaces. here is another explanation of the same subject. Suppose you have a mental palace, with nice memorable walls and corners. I assume you are already comfortable placing markers along the walls. Maybe small objects, maybe mindmaps and maybe PAO markers. You …
Superlearning for programmers: data science and neural networks
Occasionally I write posts with specific tips for programmers of different kinds. Nowadays data scientists and AI programmers are in high demand. New areas like deep neural networks, chatbots, and mixed reality pose a new level of challenges. How will you treat these challenges as superlearners is up to you. This post focuses on working …
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Ways to Fight Information Overflow
This is a guest article by Sophia Anderson. This particular article was not easy to write, and several rounds of writing and editing went into it. So please thank Sofia for her hard work in your comments. Sophia Anderson is an associate educator, blogger and freelance writer. She is passionate about covering topics on learning, writing, business, …
Raising superlearners, Anna’s way
Anna and Lev (me) raise three children. After finishing the “raising superlearners” course, I asked Anna how she trained in fact with our children. Apparently, Anna’s methods were very different from mine, which is expected in a normal and well-functioning family. Per my request, Anna provided a list of the training she actually does with …
The vicious cycle of extreme productivity
Good and bad multitasking is a subject we review quite often. Usually, the focus is on how to multitask correctly. Recently I became aware of the people who take the right multitasking to its limits and beyond. For additional reading I selected here, here, here, here, and here. The perfect schedule There is such a …
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Things you can do with children
Recently we released a new Udemy class of 3.5 hours properly named Raising SuperLearners: Prep Your Kids for Lifelong Learning. For a limited time, you are welcome to use this link and enjoy a very low launch price. Each new course we release comes with a list of exercises. This course is no exception. Here …
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Creating abundance
For me abundance is not something measurable, it is a feeling of fulfillment where what we have surpasses what we want to have. Inflated expectations are one of the greatest sources of suffering in the modern society. Consumerism makes us want things and if our self-worth is based on our achievements we also start to …
What Customers Are Looking For When Hiring a Developer
Half of the readers of this blog (and myself) are developers. It is very helpful to understand the world from the client’s perspective. For today’s post, I asked a professional blogger Lucy Adams to describe what she is looking for when hiring a developer. We already hosted several posts by Lucy Adams. Here is Lucy’s …
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Forgive to empower yourself
Forgiveness may be easy for some, but definitely, it is hard for me. Yet at some point not long ago I understood that past attachments do not allow me to pursue my passions. Passion often comes during the action, by focusing on the action and enjoying it. Having the focus invested in some past events …