Mental wardrobe

This is a short post to offer a very specific solution for mental palaces. here is another explanation of the same subject. Suppose you have a mental palace, with nice memorable walls and corners. I assume you are already comfortable placing markers along the walls. Maybe small objects, maybe mindmaps and maybe PAO markers. You …

Superlearning for programmers: data science and neural networks

Occasionally I write posts with specific tips for programmers of different kinds. Nowadays data scientists and AI programmers are in high demand. New areas like deep neural networks, chatbots, and mixed reality pose a new level of challenges. How will you treat these challenges as superlearners is up to you. This post focuses on working …

What Customers Are Looking For When Hiring a Developer

Half of the readers of this blog (and myself) are developers. It is very helpful to understand the world from the client’s perspective. For today’s post, I asked a professional blogger Lucy Adams to describe what she is looking for when hiring a developer. We already hosted several posts by Lucy Adams. Here is Lucy’s …