Work life balance: set boundaries, get effective, learn to say no

There are many positive skills and habits we know should master and practice in our lives. Finding time to practice these skills may be challenging. In fact, being skilled we are often sought after by other people. If we please all people who need our attention, we may lose the skills we cherish. Setting the …

Micro PAO

Recently PAO became the default mode of visualization we teach. I will first explain the method as we use it and then why it became so prominent in our materials. Specific markers are trigrams Most of our students have advanced degrees and read complex materials. As materials get increasingly complex, a specific marker becomes a …

Apps and creativity

Some apps help us become smarter and more creative in strange and wonderful ways. Apps and games improve problem solving skills, brain processing speed, visual skills and memory. This post is inspired by reading this article and here. Less interesting reading here,here, here. Problem solving skills It is understandable that playing strategy games we develop …