Today is a special day for working people. There used to be demonstrations celebrating the ability of common people to negotiate complex deals with their employers and fight for fairness. The working relations have changed, and blue color jobs are moving to developing countries or getting automated. As the jobs become more complex, the need …
The power of small changes
It is very difficult to make changes in our life. Once we do master the required energy and motivation, we prefer to do dramatic actions. We may get a huge success, but then find it very hard to maintain this success for a long time. Small changes reduce the risk and increase the success rate. …
Free yourself from strange beliefs
We all have strange beliefs that influence our lives. Many of our beliefs have been instrumental in our success but became irrelevant as our lives changed. Each irrational belief is a potential weakness, a trap we are unaware of. Freeing ourselves from strange beliefs we reduce risks and open up to new possibilities. For more …
Using visualization to improve physical and psychological well-being
Being a superlearner, you have a powerful visualization technique in your toolbox. It is only reasonable to ask what this toolbox can be used for other than learning. The answer is somewhat complex and very exciting. Today I will talk about the healing power of your visualizations. This article is a sort of an overview …
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Six insights on raising children
I have three kids. Raising them is quite a challenge. They are very good students and excellent with a great personality, each one unique in his own way. Not of them is a genius. Being in the business of educating people, I want to share some insights from parenthood. For this post I was inspired …
Jokes and memorization
For many people, humor is a serious matter. When used with proper care humor can release tension, improve productivity, generate long-term memories, and make us enjoy stepping out of our comfort zone. April’s fool day is a great day to write a serious article about humor, and I am not going to miss this opportunity. …
Our services
Recently it has become hard to follow all the services we offer, so I will summarize them here as a step-by-step plan: Follow our free training schedule and practice as much as you can. To improve you should read for at least six hours per week and do at least an hour of computer practice …
Memory palaces of Dr Anthony Metivier
This is something new I want to try: in-depth discussions about some prominent figures in superlearning world and their tools. This lecture also comes with a free valuable resource you can use from Dr. Anthony Metivier: the free memory improvement kit. Also, this has been an amazing year for Dr. Anthony Metivier. Read all about …
Number pyramid game
Chunking is not a simple skill to master. One exercise to learn chunking is number pyramid. The game is a bit hard to understand, so I will explain it slowly. We generate the number pyramid by writing random digits. These digits are then summed pair-wise. See e.g. this page. As a result, we get a …
Grit and perseverance
Typically we describe visualization in the context of creativity and learning since this is a focus of our interest. Visualization is extremely useful in many other situations. Recently I noticed that many of memory masters are very good in activities that typically require grit. I think this is because of the incredible power of visualization. …