Information diet

Information diet is a new idea that is challenging the way we consume information in post-PC society. For example this article claims 7 secrets of limiting distraction and becoming more productive. Personally, while I disagree with this approach, I do recommend some caution with information intake. Our brain was not designed to digest the information …

Tachistoscope principle

Tachistoscope is the device that launched the speedreading training in late 1930s.Tachistoscope is derived from the Greek words ‘tachys’ meaning swift and ‘skopion’ meaning instrument for viewing or observing. The device projects a series of images onto a screen at rapid speed to test visual perception, memory, and learning. Most tachistoscopes were designed to allow …

Basic training

While some training requires high level of skill, other exercises may be started as soon as you want. What skills can you train right away? Linking markers Creating short stories that include given words is a very simple way to remember things. Practice linking markers exercise in several ways. Level 1: Create stories with words …

How to train reading

Training reading is a bit tricky act of balancing. If you fail the balancing act, you may generate bad habits that are hard to change. Speed. The first thing to train in speedreading is obviously speed. Reading speed typically does not increase gradually, but in quantum leaps and occasional regressions. Do not be alarmed either …

Eye span

Our eye muscles are limited. If we were to focus on each word that we read, we would not be able to read above 600wpm and then we would suffer a huge headache and eyestrain. Students who try to push reading speed without learning saccades often complain that the words become blurry and they cannot …


Unlike other processes we use (visualization, memorization, skimming, analysis, time-management strategies), the actual speedreading is a pretty straight-forward process.  We assume that You have already encoded all the names, dates and other dense stuff within the paragraph in prereading and the relevant markers are readily available to be used. The text is averagely dense, cannot …

Power of details

One of the things that limit our reading speed is the speed of creating markers. If we were required to create a marker per detail within a text, we would end up with a choice between 250wpm at 80% retention and 1000wpm at 20% retention. In fact, one of the reasons that other speedreading courses …