
Dear readers and students, It is time to take another scheduled vacation [till 15-Jan-15] and focus on some new interesting projects. We will try to use our time to bring brand new set of posts and subjects to this blog. May the coming 2015 bring you new wonderful discoveries and superskills. As always, you are …

Train yourself like navy seal: visualization and goal setting

Since we learn to master vivid visualization, we can use this wonderful tool for goal setting. This article describes in-depth several goalsetting visualization. Please read it after reading my post – for detailed description of each visualization aspect. And this article describes the science behind why visualization succeeds, read it to get some scientific background. …

Math/economy memorization

This is another memorization example. It is both very abstract and very precise. Let us handle it together. Please feel free to add your discoveries and specific problems as comments. Memorize these Economic formulas!