This is the time of the year we come with the first line of superdeals: the back-to-school deals. This year I announce the superdeal a bit earlier than usual, so if you want you can take the first session before September 1st. Schools tend to be very expensive and optimizing the school experience is a good idea. Relatively little time and money strategically investing can provide a great return on investment. This applies not just to students, but to all of us since we learn as long as we live.
Let me remind you that practicing accelerated learning makes actual learning easier. If you are just beginning I suggest using
and buying
The welcome bundle is very cheap, and the coupon of 60% I give at the end of this post applies to it as well as other products.
The big differentiator in 2023 is the addition of my son Leeron to our team. Leeron will work as a learning coach, and his integration will enable low-cost deals. In fact, 10 sessions with Leeron cost like one session with Anna. While very young, Leeron already reads 1500wpm English and Hebrew, has reasonable programming skills and he won first place in a competition of 150 local tutors. Regarding motivation… He used to be overweight and now he has relief muscles and can inspire anyone outside his immediate family. So while he is lacking in experience and academic degrees, he is definitely capable.
If you need a highly experienced educator, Anna is offering her services. Quite often we make mistakes and need to start over. These mistakes are very expensive, especially if you need to relearn a skill you invested a long time practicing. It is SIGNIFICANTLY easier to learn something right, to begin with then relearn later on. If you can, I warmly suggest getting at least 4 sessions with Anna:
At this point, you probably understand that 1:1 is a must to eliminate mistakes and make the training smoother. Notice that Anna relies heavily on Memory masterclass materials so make sure you have at least that from one of the bundles.
This year we fully separated the keytostudy accelerated learning skills from the keytovision productivity skills, while slowly ramping up the keytovision brand. The best product you can buy in this category is It covers all three categories of accelerated learning: memory, reading, and creativity, and I offer it with 4 sessions 1:1 with Anna. It is of immense value. If it is still too expensive for you, at almost half the price you can buy a time-limited back-to-school bundle This bundle includes memory and speedreading masterclasses and 10 sessions 1:1 with Leeron. To make all deals sweater, I will provide a 50% discount coupon for EVERYTHING on the BACK_TO_SCHOOL_2023. The coupon will be valid till September 30th, so act now. If you have specific concerns or need a specific solution, please contact me at [email protected].
I was asked about video masterclasses and what makes them so special. Well, they are huge, like 20 sections each, where a section is around an hour of highly compressed video that you will probably need to pause a replay multiple times as I tend to convene very complex messages in very few words.
- Keytostudy Memory Masterclass. This is not your regular memory course. I provide some of the methods I used to remember 1 mil keywords per subject. That’s about how much you need to be an expert.
- Keytostudy Speedreading Masterclass. I read fast. In English: between 3000wpm at 80% retention and 10000wpm and 50% retention (better than last year due to practice). This level of speed required years of training and multiple cool tricks you will find nowhere else. You are welcome to join the club.
- Keytomission Creativity Masterclass. I do not use spaced repetition. Instead, I use speedwriting for long-term retention and so much more. Do not check this keyword anywhere else. I reinvented the concept. Did not publish any books on this so far. After learning basic speedreading I ask my students to learn speedwriting.