No matter how much we know and how productive we are, we do need the help of other people. Communication with others can be the biggest source of fulfilment and of frustration. Today I offer you reading here, here, here, here, here, and here. Smile, the superweapon Smiling is easy and effective. When we smile …
Self-Education Vs. College. Top Pros and Cons for Smart Guys
Many of our students wonder if they need to start with college or self education (like a coding bootcamp). Ideally one should start by self-educated work to see if the work pleases him. Then the colledge education will be percieved in perspective of practical experience. Further self-education or advanced degree will result in deeper and …
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3 Key Digital Marketing Skills Students Don’t Learn In College
This guest post deals with digital marketing from the perspective that did not change much during the last 10 years. Of cause, new ideas and directions are invented all the time, yet very few of them catch. So (for now) let us stick to the classics of our age. With the permission of the author, …
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The memory-friendly way to say no
Quite often we need to say “no”. Our language is very rich, and there are many ways to do that. Some ways are very direct, while others are more subtle. The way we choose to say “no” may affect our memory. For more information I suggest reading here, here, here, here, and here. Japanese: a …
Learning to make mistakes
We all make mistakes. Can we properly learn from our mistakes? Maybe. There are some tips that can help. You can find more here, here, here, and here. This time you should really read the resources I mention. Classification of mistakes There is no clear classification of mistakes except for legal mistakes. In legal documentss, …
Work life balance: set boundaries, get effective, learn to say no
There are many positive skills and habits we know should master and practice in our lives. Finding time to practice these skills may be challenging. In fact, being skilled we are often sought after by other people. If we please all people who need our attention, we may lose the skills we cherish. Setting the …
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Comfort zone
Anna has been pushing me out of my comfort zone since we met for 10 years now. She claimed it would help my personal growth. There are actual articles backing up this idea. Let us try to think about it. Our comfort zone typically includes things we feel comfortable doing: things we do automatically, things …
Team building – rebels needed
When we started our mastermind project, accountability group was one of our key offerings. How did we build our groups? Based on common time zone, interests etc. And we failed: the groups did not become magnets of learning and motivation generators. True team-building is a complex task, which we cannot handle from our mail accounts. …
Superlearning business: tips for beginners
Many superlearners work in business: entrepreneurs, managers, analysts, lawyers, accountants, economists…. With business, financial and legal analysis it is easy to generate a quick return on investment for all the reading and memorization training. However, these areas require more attention to details and some dedicated tools. Business subjects appear to be complex since they can …
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Danger in the Workplace – The Damaging Effect of Stress
A couple of weeks ago someone loved our article on time taking article. After a short discussion we decided to take it one step forward. We invited this article, since some of our students overwork and suffer from stress. The writers are brand-new non-profit organization improvedu and their support group. We do not usually do …
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