People are often bombarded with advertising in their daily lives. That’s part of the reason influencer marketing has become so popular. Influencers on social media aren’t a new concept and have been around since the rise of social platforms. However, being an influencer isn’t just about getting money for Instagram posts. It’s about market research …
Top 7 Cognitive Biases Of Insurance Buying Customers
Cognitive biases can kill insurance and when people are stubborn, it is harder to convince them. Identifying these biases opens a new world of possibilities. When it comes to insurance, the risk is the biggest part of the game. While most of the risk lies with the insurance companies, many people have cognitive biases that …
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How to Stay Productive as a Digital Nomad
Not everyone is built for the traditional 9 to 5. Some people dread the prospect of commuting daily to work in an office with the same things to see and the same people to hobnob with. If those statements resonate with you, chances are you are suited for the digital nomad lifestyle. There are many …
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Optimizing Business Processes: 7 Tips for Small Businesses
There are many ways to optimize your business processes. Here are some that will allow you to boost the customer experience. Regardless of the kind of business you run, it’s crucial to keep processes optimized. Business process optimization refers to the streamlining of the steps necessary for your employees to deliver the requirements of their …
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Paralysis by octalysis
Thinking too much leads to an inability to act. This is called “paralysis by analysis”. Gamifying and building up motivation can have a similarly negative effect. Since I did not find any literature on this, I call it “Paralysis by octalysis”. Below is a typical example and several antidotes. Gamification Octalysis is a gamification framework …
Financial ecology without its predators
The recent short squeeze endangered the hedge fund industry. Many of us are quite happy with the result. After all, they chased Tesla too strong. And we do not really like that particular branch of the financial sector. I argue that the situation is dangerous and we should not be happy about it… More ecological …
Eight Solid Ways to Improve All Types of Your Business Writing
Many of my students learn speedreading and speedwriting to boost their careers. Any careers. A large part of my career dealt with research, product design, and engineering. So my examples also come from my world. This is one of the reasons I like it so much to present you with guest posts. Here Jessica Fender, …
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Productivity pipelines
How do we organize our activities? There are many methods. I claim that if you like mindmaps, you will organize your activities in pipelines. This methodology is flexible and effective. It comes from the computer architecture universe. How do we approach productivity? While I briefly address common productivity subjects, my productivity course is very DIFFERENT. …
Drafting the story of your life
At 45 I finally started to write my autobiography. Is it reasonable? What questions I should ask myself? What can you learn from me? More reading here, here, here, here, and here. Dante When Dante Alighieri wrote his books, he was 35 years old. The first section, the Inferno begins with the words “Midway upon the …
Muda and elimination of wastefulness
Japanese culture is minimalistic and elegant. What can we learn from it, and how can we implement the best sides of this culture? How can we waste less and gain more from our learning activities? I will try to apply Toyota’s philosophy to accelerated learning. Muda (Japanese term) Muda is the Japanese word for waste …