Doing nothing particular for a while might be a good step. It may provide just enough resources for a major breakthrough, If you happened to spend a couple of years doing nothing in particular, you might be in the perfect spot to try doing something great. Sabbatical I’m not particularly religious, but I do respect …
How Your Mood Affects Productivity
There are a large number of things that affect your level of productivity throughout the day. One of the biggest is your mood. A person’s mood has a large impact on almost every aspect of their day. While one’s mood may not have been focused on previously, it’s now known that it plays a large …
Chronic fatigue: why do I constantly feel tired?
This is quite common in every age. We feel constantly tired without a visible reason. There are different sorts of tiredness beyond sleepiness and lack of energy: lack of motivation, restlessness, and lack of focus, irritability, and bad temper to name a few. Sometimes we accept this, especially when our kids are small. Other times …
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The Best Jobs for Introverts
When looking for a new career, you want to make sure that it will align with your personality. It is often thought that it will be hard to excel at any career as an introvert, but this is far from the truth. Truth is, there are plenty of jobs out there that any introverted individual …
To See or Not to See: Conducting Immersive Virtual Meetings Without Video
How To Make Video Meetings Immersive: Find out the pros and cons of virtual meetings with video. There’s new technology that’s set to change the way we interact and collaborate online.
Success factors
In my endless quest for productivity, I have found multiple success formula by different authors. Here I want to discuss some of the factors involved including the things that I know about them. Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration. This is a quote of Thomas Edison, maybe the most successful inventor ever, …
Why success looks so similar to failure
Some people appear to be successful but inside feel like a failure. Others are just the opposite. Why does success look so much like a failure and what we can learn from it? This article is inspired by the book “Good to great“. The towering companies that fall In 2001 an influential book was published, …
Find a mentor to bridge the gap between the school and the job
The first job you get will often define your career. For every other job, you will be able to present the biography, recommendation, and explanation of your experience. The first job is different. It defines your expertise, the kind of reputation you have and the path your career will take. Today I will talk from …
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The bits and pieces of our IQ
Being smart is very nice, but IQ [intelligence quotient] is not something we can boast about. It does not guarantee achievements, its measurement is somewhat arbitrary, and many people simply do not understand it. So, what is this IQ and how can we use it? In today’s article, I suggest you top read here, here, here, …
How to Improve Score in IELTS Writing Test – Deep Analysis
It is common knowledge that IELTS Academic writing can be tricky. One might believe that having fluency in speaking helps in the written test. However, IELTS writing needs precision and clarity. Therefore, it is wise to invest some time in writing during your IELTS preparation. The IELTS Academic Writing Task The academic writing test takes …
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