The tales of Japan can be both motivational and cautionary. I love Japan as a tourist, its culture and its people. In the past, I used to associate Japan with productivity, but now I find it something different. If there is such a thing as working-class aristocracy, I think it can be found in Japan. …
Extra meaning: experts and dilemmas
Suppose you have an absolutely wonderful idea. You are afraid someone will steal it. You share the idea with people you trust the most. And they give you a cold shower. Probably this will have a strong effect on your confidence… But really, should it? Today’s reading can be found here, here, here, here, here, …
Using a reading diary: 5 types of diary
One of the important skills for massive speedreading is reading diary maintenance. The subject sounds a bit dull, but it is more important and more complex than it appears. Occasionally I write articles about various kinds of reading diaries. Here I want to focus on getting the best return on the time invested maintaining such …
Addicted to comfort
I am addicted to comfort, and here I acknowledge that I have a problem. Why do I say that and how can I treat it? Let us discuss it together. I think the issues are quite common for people over 40. Today you are invited to read here, here, here, here, here, and here. Long …
Deconstructing awe
Our world is in information overdrive. Most of us do not remember the feeling of awe. Yet this fascination is the fundamental driving force of art, science and many other human activities. Please help me recover the lost awe. You are also welcome to read here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. Doing fascinating things …
Learn to speedread better from synchronous translation
Language is one of the primary tools in any career. We use language to formulate ideas, collaborate, express ourselves, and inspire others. There is a group of people who use language differently and spectacularly. Moreover, all of us can learn from them. These are the professionals involved in synchronous translation. Read more here, here, here, and …
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The Business Owner’s Guide to Survey Data Analysis
In this guest post, Heidi Thiel from outlines the main aspects of a successful survey from writing the questions to their analysis. Customer surveys are one of the most valuable tools business owners can use. Since survey data is straight from the source, business owners can get unbiased and accurate insights about customers, things …
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Intuition in a blink of the eye
Can we trust our intuition? Possibly. Some of the best and the worst decisions were based on intuition, especially highly creative or controversial ones. Many people have an extraordinary level of luck and intuition. Others are just never right. For more reading please see here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. Practical advice If …
Fighting with your own ineptitude and failures
Fighting your own ineptitude is very different from facing ineptitude of other people and requires a very different set of skills. Maybe you will want to read here, here, here, here, here, and here. Why should I care? You, people who read this blog, work hard to learn new things and become more effective in …
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Become a polymath in 5 simple steps
I think I qualify for a polymath, and if I was able to do this you can also do this quite easily. The recipe is very simple: learn the stuff you passionate about and implement the stuff you learned. Implementation is more complex due to time limitations. For more reading, see articles here, here, here, …