To be successful we need to be committed. Creativity may benefit from well-placed commitment, but it may also suffocate. When does commitment to goals become, and obsession and what happens next? Stay tuned, only in this blog … More reading materials here, here, here, here, here, and here. Overreacting All that is missing in the abstract: …
Best mnemonics and memory training for medical students and nurses – Part 1
Many of my readers and students practice medicine. All memory methods we teach are perfectly suited for medicine. Moreover, in 1:1 Anna uses some exclusive methods SPECIFICALLY developed for the medical students. Since memoization is any extremely important and time-consuming part of any medical practice, and since medical practice is so long and intense, you …
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10 Ways Better Memory Will Boost Your Career
Memory skills and accelerated learning are crucial for career success. You probably understand this, yet each of us has different reasons to think so. As our economy moves from knowledge-oriented to influence-oriented models, the reasons change. In this guest article, Becky Holton shares her 10 reasons. 10 Ways Better Memory Will Boost Your Career Do …
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Fighting ineptitude of others
Everybody can look stupid from time to time. Inaptitude is much worse. Sometimes the people we trust cannot help us and do not understand the damage they cause. Is it an inevitable evil, or maybe we can do something about it? This article is about inaptitude of others, and a separate post will address our own …
Dealing With The Mid Career Crisis
Are your dreams turning into regrets? Somehow, this is a relatable situation for many. The fantasy which you create for your job eventually ends up into the disappointment and you keep wondering why. Well, there could be many reasons which transform your high notes into the lowest one. The job, about which you used to …
Grit and practice vs procrastination
When I was a child I used to think that we are born with certain talents and all we can do is either sharpen them or be below average. Today I find it very difficult to tell talents vs grit and determination. So why do we have procrastination in our DNA? For more ideas you …
Creativity we sabbotage
It is not a secret that in the battle between productivity and creativity, money and happiness I am strongly positioned in the corner of creativity and happiness. Yes, I am a productivity expert, but this does not define me. In this article, I will try to address some major mistakes people make sabotaging their creativity. …
Superlearner story: Otis the musician
How important is productivity as a part of our training? Recently, I started to feel that my posts went too far from memory and speedreading methodology. As I was contemplating returning to more basic materials and reframing my approach, I was approached by several students who could not function due to bad productivity training. So …
How to Set Goals and Create a Powerful Vision of Your Life
What is a life worth living or a book worth reading? This is very personal. Everyone has a different set of tools, values, and passions. In this excellent blog post, Alice Berg uses her experience as a career advisor to focus the reader on asking the right questions. This is not a regular SMART goal post, …
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Getting to the next level
This post is a bit strange to me. I delayed writing it for several months. Eventually, my curiosity won, and I decided to explore the ideas presented for example here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. Unlike most of my posts, what I describe here is highly controversial and you are not advised to …