“My classes with Anna were brilliant. I really learned how to learn and grasp difficult concepts quickly. Something I thought I’ll never be able to do. My only regret is, I didn’t have class my Anna sooner. “ Below are some testimonies of real students from 1:1 with Anna. I selected students randomly, and their responses were spontaneous. …
Good and bad curiosity
Is curiosity good or bad? Depends whom you ask. If anything, for me curiosity is complex and inspiring. You may be curious enough to read here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. Curiosity in reading The first time we mention curiosity in our courses is when people start reading. Before reading something we urge our …
Exploring the Art of Patience to Create a Positive Impact
Patience and positivity go hand in hand; patience is born out of positivity, and something positive can sprout from staying patient in the most challenging situations. Understanding the intricate chains that bind the two is only possible with experience. Some learn this lesson early on, and some might reach a ripe old age. Regardless, this …
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Dealing With The Mid Career Crisis
Are your dreams turning into regrets? Somehow, this is a relatable situation for many. The fantasy which you create for your job eventually ends up into the disappointment and you keep wondering why. Well, there could be many reasons which transform your high notes into the lowest one. The job, about which you used to …
Grit and practice vs procrastination
When I was a child I used to think that we are born with certain talents and all we can do is either sharpen them or be below average. Today I find it very difficult to tell talents vs grit and determination. So why do we have procrastination in our DNA? For more ideas you …
Flow is the opposite of perfectionism
We all want to experience flow: face a hard challenge, exhibiting great technique with laser focus, enjoy the creative drive and complete a great task. Very few of us do, and even those who experience flow cannot know when this wonderful experience will happen again. Maybe you want to explore the subject yourself here, here, here, …
Literacy: The only skill that matters
Recently Jonathan Levi published a boon named “The only skill that matters“, and sent me a copy as a gift. The book describes Jonathan’s struggles with education and will definitely motivate you. As always, instead of providing a recap of the book itself, I will provide my own honest thoughts to complement the reading experience. …
Creativity we sabbotage
It is not a secret that in the battle between productivity and creativity, money and happiness I am strongly positioned in the corner of creativity and happiness. Yes, I am a productivity expert, but this does not define me. In this article, I will try to address some major mistakes people make sabotaging their creativity. …
One on one coaching with Anna vs other resources
Once a year, we emphasize the role of 1:1 training with Anna. As every year we are asked to explain the advantages of coaching over video courses, I will give it another try, What is the added value? The 1:1 with Anna is something pretty unique. Literally, this is the best we can offer. The …
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Self-discipline of rebels
Rebels can be extremely motivated, self- disciplined and driven. This motivation is somewhat unpredictable: it comes and goes without a warning. How to handle this and ensure consistent and predictable progress? As a rebel myself, I can share a few ideas. For more reading see here, here, here, here, here, and here. Who are those …