Fighting popular misconceptions in digital age

Today we live in abundance of fake news, half-baked resources, and cyber manipulators.  Since this blog focuses on knowledge, we cannot simply ignore the abundance of disinformation. We address this subject occasionally, yet this is the first time I am trying to build an organized approach to disinformation. I will be writing from my own knowledgeand understanding. …

How to Organize Your Workplace to Make Studying Process Easier

Organization skills a very important for effective progress in any learning or work environment. Somehow it is very easy to assume, that if you are reading this blog you probably already mastered the skillset. Fortunately, we have guest authors to challenge our assumptions. This guest post by Lauren Adley provides some simple and useful advices. If …

How to raise self-disciplined and creative children?

What is the best way to raise children? Each generation, culture, group, and family has a different set of answers. One of the biggest issues parents have to balance: how to raise children that have both creativity and discipline. You are welcome to read more here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, …

Best Ways to Show Your Emotional Intelligence in an Interview

So you have just been invited for a job interview. This has come probably after months of applications sending. To be honest, job interviews come with their own pressures; how to impeccably respond to questions asked, your demeanor when asked difficult questions, and most importantly, how you grab your hiring manager’s attention and create that good, …