Compassion is a great virtue which helps us connect with other people. Self-compassion helps us avoid injuries and saves us from misery. Lack of compassion in ourselves and in others poses several serious challenges. Fortunately, compassion can be systematically learned and developed. This post was inspired by reading this, this, this, and this articles. Disclaimer: …
Six Things You Need To Do After Attending Professional Development Event
Some of us have plenty of conferences and mingling event. It is not easy to leverage these events beyond some fun with colleagues. We could establish new connections with people in the industry, check out what other people and companies are working on, and maybe find some talents for our own company. The work does …
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What is your annual theme?
Today we start a new year, and it is great to start it with renewed purpose and motivation. To do that we use a tool called “annual theme”. You can have weekly or monthly themes, but an annual theme is more appropriate. Today’s selection of articles is very good. Do not miss a chance to …
Consciousness beats lifestyle
As the year is about to end it is a great time for a personal reckoning. Obviously, you do not need to wait for the end of the year. You will be surprised to know I wrote this article back in June, and simply scheduled it for today. This time I selected a wide range …
Seven Ways That Make Your Writing Funnier
Indifference and boredom are just the opposite of what we teach. If you can write in a funny way, you can think and visualize in a funny way and remember better. If you can make a provoking argument and get an emotional reaction, it will help you remember. This particular guest post by William Grigsby shows …
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Writing self-help books
Writing self-help books is a strange business. I am still a bit uncomfortable with this activity. For today’s reading I have chosen texts here, here, here, here, and here. Non-stop revolutions For self-help content to sell it must be revolutionary. Each idea in a self-help book is surprising, supported by strong arguments and potentially life-changing. …
Smart is not always rational
Learning is great. When we learn new things our inner world gets richer, we become more proficient in what we do and we can handle more complex tasks. Learning does not necessarily make us healthier, happier or more financially or professionally successful. At least, learning is only a secondary component for each of these venues. …
Laws of training
Accelerated learning is somewhat similar to athletic training. We learn new things, train specific groups of skills, and then we need to transfer the generic learning skills to very particular tasks we handle. For today, I have chosen articles here, here, here, here, here, and here. Does accelerated learning apply to what I do? This …
The escape plan
Productivity burnout is one of my favorite subjects, maybe because I had several close encounters with the phenomenon. I suffered work-related burnout periods more than once, and so did most of my students and friends. Each time I address the subject, I choose a slightly different perspective. Hope there will be some new ideas in …
Why you need one on one with Anna
One on one with Anna over Skype is the best and most exclusive product we offer. In my mind, all of you are heroes simply because it requires a lot of courage and dedication to change yourself in a profound way. Yet even heroes need help, and here we come to your aid. I will …