When learning, focusing may be quite hard there are several reasons for it, and several strategies to bring the focus to the subject at hand. People with attention-deficit (ADHD) and emotional problems may occasionally need some extra help to regain focus, including breathing exercises and medicine. Fatigue Quite often focus drifting away is quite natural. …
Distributed practice
There are several ways of generating long-term retention. Distributed practice is the most natural way to achieve this. We do not need any additional mnemonic devices: we just need to space our learning sessions intelligently and quiz ourselves. How does this work? If we want to remember something for years, we need many exposures to …
Productive failure
We are not as open minded as we would love to think. Sometimes only a resounding failure can trigger a learning experience. This and this articles inspired me to write the post. Learning is not always good. If we would learn and relearn everything, question any piece of knowledge we have, we would not be …
Practice gratitude to your teachers
One of the easy ways to become a better and happier human being is practicing gratitude. The subject is large, and I want to touch it very briefly. Since we deal with learning, I suggest practicing gratitude to people who teach you. Great teachers While we think that formal education is broken, there are still …
Learning fights depression
Some of our students get depressed. Depression is a very common problem, and we can address it here. Meditation/sports, good sleep and practicing gratitude can partially fight depression. This article shows that learning is also an effective tool to fight depression. How? Sense of purpose Some people claim that happiness is a combination of pleasure …
Back to school tips: prepare for learning
This is another “back to school” article with a twist. Most of our content is focused on how to read faster and remember everything. Today I want to talk about a slightly different subject: how to organize things and prepare self for learning. I am using this article as a starting point. Read syllabus. Before …
Continue reading “Back to school tips: prepare for learning”
Compound markers
If you learnt how to generate visual markers and how to increase and control your visual eye span, your reading speed could easily be around 800 wpm. If you want to read vaster and understand more, perhaps you need some other sort of training. This training is advanced and it is not a part of …
Comfort zone
Anna has been pushing me out of my comfort zone since we met for 10 years now. She claimed it would help my personal growth. There are actual articles backing up this idea. Let us try to think about it. Our comfort zone typically includes things we feel comfortable doing: things we do automatically, things …
Using Webinars and Peer coaching
When we decide to generate the Mastermind coaching groups, there were two major exclusive benefits we wanted to add. These are webinars and peer coaching. Both options look very trivial in the first glance, yet they are very complex to hack for your maximal benefit. The basic need any of our students experiences during his …
Team building – rebels needed
When we started our mastermind project, accountability group was one of our key offerings. How did we build our groups? Based on common time zone, interests etc. And we failed: the groups did not become magnets of learning and motivation generators. True team-building is a complex task, which we cannot handle from our mail accounts. …