As we are approaching the release of the “How to raise a superlearner” content, I am still trying to decide to myself to which degree shaping kids brain for success is natural. On one side of the discussion, we have Montessori with a focus on letting the child discover the inner potential and some very …
Failures as a basis for success
We are all trying to improve – otherwise I would not be writing this blog and you would not be reading it. The path of improvement comes through risk of failure and occasional failures. The higher rewards usually come with higher risk attached (otherwise it is an arbitration opportunity). Occasional failures happen to everyone, searching …
Mind and body
We understand that there is some connection between mind and body. I have many posts regarding specific aspects of this connection. In this particular post I will mention some of the issues addressed in-depth elsewhere on this blog. Muscle memory or kinesthetic learning is applicable to people whose memorization skill is closely linked to body …
Learning and unlearning career choice
As technological and scientific progress quickens, we constantly need to learn and unlearn new material. What should we learn? How should we unlearn? What remains unchanged? “The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn” – Alvin Toffler. When we need …
Path to mastery
All learning follows 4 basic stages. The four steps to mastery also apply to superlearning. 1. Unconscious Incompetency. This is the phase most people begin from. Typically people read at 200wpm 30% retention and feel good about it. After years of miseducation people either do not believe they can improve or do not want to …
Forgetting as a way to handle traumas
Occasionally we ask ourselves: why do we forget at all? What if we could remember things forever? Apparently forgetting things helps us to deal with traumas. One of the best ways to deal with traumatic experience is rewriting the traumatic memory. Some courage is required, so do not attempt this if you do not have …
Goal setting methodology
Occasionally my students share information that is valuable for everyone studying keytostudy methodology. Below is such a discussion from our Udemy discussion thread, taken as-is and without editing. Orlando Watson This is just to help people to define their goal in a S.M.A.R.T Way: 1. What is your goal? 2. What would you like …