In various stages of our supercharged skill set, we need to use categories and attributes. Each time this is something different. Let us start to make some sense out of this mess. It is also an exercise in systematic thinking, a sort of converging creativity, for me. I will share my thought process, and allow …
History, markers and chunking added to the memory course
Following popular demand. I added 3 new sections to the memory course. The new sections deal with markers, big history, and chunking. I am planning to add more sections to the course in the future. You are welcome to send me a request for new content. Why is memory training so confusing? Since we start …
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Four kinds of memory markers
We mention memory markers a lot in different contexts and courses. Memory markers are used to recall certain experiences. Experiences can be different, as well as memory markers. All of these markers are important and useful, and I want to explain how they can be used. This is becoming a bit confusing, so I want …
101 questions to ask yourself
Asking questions is the basic and most effective tool of creativity, productivity, and happiness. When we question ourselves, we may find our true purpose. What questions should we ask? Find some examples below. For more reading see here, here, here, here, here, and here. Annoying 101 lists To be honest the 101 lists slightly annoy me. …
Hybrid mental structures
Mental palaces are economic in terms of encoding, mindmaps are more flexible and easy to modify. We do not teach the hybrid memory structures in basic courses, they appear in masterclasses. Here I want to give a short promo. Who creates mnemonic methods? Mnemonic methods were originally developed for public speakers. In the middle ages, …
How Being Bilingual Can Help Your Career Development
Whether you’re already a bilingual speaker, or thinking of learning another language, having this skill is a great way for you to stay competitive in the job market. Knowing a foreign language has many benefits, especially when it comes to career growth and personal development. Here are a few ways of being bilingual or multilingual …
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How Microlearning Can Level Up Your Knowledge
In this day and age, the world is everchanging. Not to mention the career market, new interests in hobbies, and technology. Luckily, throughout the years, the internet has accumulated various free resources. From podcasts to YouTube videos, the majority of things you’d like to learn about are right at your fingertips — you just have …
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Iterative method
One of the key methodologies we use is progressive overload. This means doing things slightly above the current capacity to prepare yourself for improvement. You may choose another iterative method base on your personal needs. More stuff you can read here, here, here, and here. Progressive overload One of the things we do in speedreading, is …
The tree of knowledge
What is “MENS” knowledge? It stands for modernist empirical natural science. The theory suggests four layers of knowledge: matter, life, mind, and culture. Each layer cannot be fundamentally described by an underlying layer and needs to be learned in a different way. More reading here, here, and here. Strong emergence About 13.5 billion years ago a …
Five Fun Math Activities For Kids
Many adults do not like math. Others absolutely love it. Possibly because we had great teachers when we were young. Children do not learn like adults. They play. Even when learning math. In this guest article Cristin Howard explain how to teach kids math. Some of it reminded me of the third season of the …