When we started our mastermind project, accountability group was one of our key offerings. How did we build our groups? Based on common time zone, interests etc. And we failed: the groups did not become magnets of learning and motivation generators. True team-building is a complex task, which we cannot handle from our mail accounts. …
Versatility and power of visualization
We love being superlearners. We read fast and we learn fast and we try to make the world a better place, and it is a wonderful feeling. We do forget the skills we acquire on our way can be used for other equally exciting achievements. Visualization is a skill that can be used for pretty …
The power of divergent thinking
Focus and efficiency are great, but maybe they are not great for you. I found this out several times, the hard way. I am very creative within the box, but lack the audacity to look outside the box. Anna is very creative out-of-the box thinker, but lacks discipline and knowledge for effective in-the-box creativity. This …
Time flow
Time is subjective. I hear about “how fast time flies by” daily, everybody is talking about it. I do see great improvement in my own perception of time in recent years since I implement several simple protocols in my life. Here I want to share these little tricks. First of all, what is the subjective …
Bilateral drawing
We use neuroplasticity to improve brain power and generate new ways to do things. One of the ways to induce neuroplasticity is by doing certain motoric actions, like bilateral drawing. Drawing with both left and right hand has been a part of Anna’s toolset since I know Anna. And Anna used to ask me to …
Finding time to read more
Quite often I am asked: “When can I find time to read?”. This is a very good question, and there are several disciplines that address it from several perspectives. First of all, if you do not have time to procrastinate you will probably have no time to read. It is important to understand, that just …
Mental models
Mental models are very useful for problem solving. Put simply, mental models are the set of tools that you use to think. Each mental model offers a different framework that you can use to look at life (or at an individual problem). Consider a toolbox: for every task there is a tool best suited for …
Speed is the new intelligence
This great post by Dilbert creator argues that speed is the new intelligence. Is that really true? The intelligence discussed by Scott Adams has to do with common sense and big numbers. Technology facilitate access to people, ability to generate and test ideas, access to supporting information and knowledge. Simply by using information technology properly …
Get better at getting better
The Japanese concept of kaizen includes getting better at getting better as a key ingredient to productivity. Kaizen can be loosely translated as a “good change”. For superlearner the change is a continuous process that optimizes our existence, a cycle of questioning, learning and implementation. In kaizen this cycle includes This kind of continuous improvement …
Superlearning for languages and definitions: etymology method
Very often I ask students to understand the meaning of what they are trying to learn and use very accurate markers. I want to demonstrate it on etymology. Take for example this real conversation: EY: I can create images to the words in the dictionary (some easier than others), but my main problem is that …
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