10 Best Music Production Courses to Apply in 2024

music production courses

Music production courses offer a comprehensive exploration into the art and science of creating music. These courses are designed to equip aspiring producers with the technical skills and creative insight needed to excel in the music industry. From learning how to use industry-standard software to understanding music theory and composition, students delve into various aspects …

Why Teach Creativity Techniques At The University?

Why Teach Creativity Techniques At The University?

In recent years, higher education institutions are paying greater attention to the development of creativity: one of the most appreciated intellectual resources today for the benefits it offers in the academic and professional field.  On this occasion we will address some important reasons why creativity should not only be part of higher-level educational training, but …

Better brains

better brain

We kind of want better brains: more creative and with better memory. In my courses, I teach improving the brain power via simple training routines. This path is definitely safe and effective, yet it may be combined with other cool options with some remarkable results. Here I want to discuss some alternative approaches. For more reading, …

Memory wardrobe

Usually, I focus on large mental structures, like mental palaces and cities or massive mindmaps. We do not always need something massive. Quite often it is enough to place a mental wardrobe in one of the existing mental palaces. The Memory Wardrobe, a sanctuary of nostalgia and tales untold. Each garment, a vessel of recollection, …

Associative connections in mental landscapes


Our memory and thinking are deeply associative. Associations are critical for creativity. However, there is no clear recipe for creating associations. Instead, I suggest several options you can mix and match. If you want to improve your memory using special and new methods based on an ancient memory technique, you should take my memory masterclass. …