Fiction Writing vs Technical Writing: Key Points to Know

A multitude of artistic genres can be employed in writing. The two types of writing that are most frequently used are technical writing and fiction writing. They adopt a totally different strategy and have quite distinct objectives and personal preferences. Although each form has unique characteristics and advantages, it requires a different set of skills …

10 Trends In Educational Videos That Are Shaping The Future of Education

The landscape of education is rapidly changing, and the use of video technology is playing a significant role in this evolution. As educational institutions and organizations look for new ways to deliver knowledge and skills to learners, educational videos have become an increasingly essential tool for teachers, trainers, and educators to deliver high-quality, engaging, and …

Eleven Astonishing Health Benefits of Tattoos


Both ancient art and archaeological finds of possible tattooing tools indicate that tattooing was practiced in Europe in the Upper Paleolithic period. Another meaning of a tattoo is a permanent reminder of something powerful in life or an experience that cannot be forgotten and many times, tattoos give people a sense of empowerment Reminds. Tattooing …

Logical markers: feedbacks and graphs


While memory champions prefer mental palaces for their simplicity and capacity, accelerated leaning gurus favor mindmaps. Mindmaps are extremely versatile and can be easily modified as new information becomes available. However, mindmaps have several essential design flaws compared to yet more flexible schemes used by engineers and AI creators. We can easily add the missing …

Systematic creativity: sections and subjects of speedwriting and research masterclasses

Sometimes I struggle with naming what I do. Speedwriting and research masterclasses are examples of my bad branding, and I hope to rebrand them in near future. While I might be unhappy with the course names, I am definitely excited about their content. So I tell you what. I will describe the content of the …