My son installed a mobile game called bitlife. It sounds fun and I decided to give it a try. The game is strangely addictive due to the surprise element. It is only strangely educative for its 17+ ranking. To play or not? This game is addictive and different. It is probably not for kids, but …
Using brands and logos for visualization
In some of my courses, I suggest using brands and logos for the visualization of complex ideas. I kind of assume that this is straightforward… What if it isn’t? Here I provide more guidelines and ideas… Avoid abstractions Our language is full of abstractions. When we visualize, we should really avoid abstractions, because how do …
Elegance and minimalism as a cultural quality
Japanese culture is minimalistic and elegant. What can we learn from it, and how can we implement the best sides of this culture? Do we really need all the stuff that we have, and what price do we pay for it? Elegance and minimalism also cost money. What is the best tradeoff? I will share …
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Eiffel and genius
Some people are outliers. Today we think about Elon Musk. History is full of such people. What makes them different and what can we learn from them? I want to discuss today a less known genius Gustave Eiffel, who was like Elon Musk one hundred years ago. Reading or researching biographies is a nice speedreading …
Daydreaming before the year ends
Before this year ends, let me suggest a daydreaming exercise. Enjoy the longest nights of the year and prepare for the next year. Realign your goals and your values. Most importantly enjoy a peaceful night. You deserve it. More reading here, here, here, here, and here. The miracle of revival Somehow the week around the longest …
Muda and elimination of wastefulness
Japanese culture is minimalistic and elegant. What can we learn from it, and how can we implement the best sides of this culture? How can we waste less and gain more from our learning activities? I will try to apply Toyota’s philosophy to accelerated learning. Muda (Japanese term) Muda is the Japanese word for waste …
MindfulMess and creativity
I have my fair share of typos. When you read fast and write fast, typos happen. Some typos are really stupid. Others make you think… This is so-called “out of the box creativity”. We stumble upon something cool by mistake but are mindful enough to use it. I wrote MindfulMess instead of mindfulness, and this …
Speedwriting as a vision, a manifesto and a cure
What is speedwriting? Why do I write and why should you also write? I prepared a lot of links and want to discuss the subject in-depth. More reading here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. I practice speedwriting That’s funny but somebody else used the same formula to write quickly independently …
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Ramanujan, math intuition and the voice of the goddess
Intuition takes many forms, but what is it exactly? Why do genius scientists talk about mysterious forces? Do we really need the supernatural or there are more plausible explanations? Can we train it? The story of the goddess Ramanujan was one of the greatest mathematicians of the 20th century. He wrote down several astonishing results …
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Return on investing in learning and exponential growth
Learning is considered an exponential growth skill. However, not all learning is equal. Can we use the return on investment analysis for our learning experience? Sure! Do many people think this way? Not really. Let us go through the myths and realities of earning by learning. How to maximize the full keytostudy offering? The accelerated …
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