Being smart is very nice, but IQ [intelligence quotient] is not something we can boast about. It does not guarantee achievements, its measurement is somewhat arbitrary, and many people simply do not understand it. So, what is this IQ and how can we use it? In today’s article, I suggest you top read here, here, here, …
The three waves of disease: original threat, new targets, immune population
Why do we have multiple waves of disease? How can we handle and anticipate the risks? Why do the epidemiologists appear helpless? This and more… As I try to make sense of what happens I share my understandings with you. I kind of try to show the way I think, which may be applied to …
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Top 7 Cognitive Biases Of Insurance Buying Customers
Cognitive biases can kill insurance and when people are stubborn, it is harder to convince them. Identifying these biases opens a new world of possibilities. When it comes to insurance, the risk is the biggest part of the game. While most of the risk lies with the insurance companies, many people have cognitive biases that …
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Optimizing Business Processes: 7 Tips for Small Businesses
There are many ways to optimize your business processes. Here are some that will allow you to boost the customer experience. Regardless of the kind of business you run, it’s crucial to keep processes optimized. Business process optimization refers to the streamlining of the steps necessary for your employees to deliver the requirements of their …
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Reading and writing history
We learn history for many reasons. When discussing WWII we want history to never repeat. Reading about the decline of Rome we want America to be great again. And reading about the Spanish flu we want to be wiser facing new pandemics. As we live, we also experience and write history. Can we really improve …
Bitlife gaming experience
My son installed a mobile game called bitlife. It sounds fun and I decided to give it a try. The game is strangely addictive due to the surprise element. It is only strangely educative for its 17+ ranking. To play or not? This game is addictive and different. It is probably not for kids, but …
Soundtrack of life: physical and emotional stability
Music plays an important role in the lives of most of us. The musical soundtrack is often also our emotional soundtrack. It is also an indicator of physical and emotional stability. We kind of know that our musical preferences are influenced by the weather. It is well-known that the musical rhythm should be fit …
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Own your choices
I am writing as much for myself as for the readers. Anna envies the quality of therapy my writing provides. Currently, in my forties, I am reevaluating my own life choices. Some of them I love more, some less. Being responsible for my choices, I am making peace with that responsibility. So I am making …
How fast should my PC be?
We are addicted to our technology. Computational power is one of the fastest-growing technological products. No matter how much we have it seems not enough. We constantly fine-tune and overclock our computers, and yet they are not fast enough for our growing appetites. Is this normal? The vicious cycle of computational overdose Take for example …
Accept the weird with a positive attitude
The science of humor is a serious business. Humor makes us more positive and resilient. Clowns are used for therapy and funny animals may improve your well-being. I take humor very seriously. Each year I write an article about humor and publish it on April 1st. Enjoy. More reading here, here, here, here, here, here, …
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