The human mind is strange in many wonderful ways. One of the strangest properties of our mind is the ability to heal the body. We can change the reality by telling a story or visualizing a metaphor. In this article, I try to question the science and the apparent magic of healing. You can further …
How smart people fight compensate negative self image
Not all of us have a positive perception of ourselves. Maybe this is one of the best motivations to take classes in self-improvement. Fortunately, it seems that high IQ can balance off some disadvantages we may have. This is a complex subject, and it certainly deserves several articles on this blog. You can find more …
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Six unexpected ways perfectionism makes you less productive
While perfectionism might have been encouraged when I was a child, today we know better. The risks of burnout are evident. There are some other issues which I seldom discuss: the compulsive thought patterns and reduced creativity, being unable to delegate and progress the career ladder, the risk of choosing confrontation over collaboration and reduced socialization, the …
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Weathering cycles of positive thinking and burnout
By now, I have been working in the same disciplines for decades. The experience is highlighting previously hidden connections and new patterns start to emerge. One of the things that strike me is the strength and depth of positive thinking and burnout in my own life. I do not want you to repeat my mistakes, …
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Compulsive productivity and bad choices.
People who are vulnerable or emotionally hurt tend to make poor decisions. Addiction, depression, social status, criticism and some other things can influence individuals and whole societies to choose a path of self-destruction. We live in a society that drives us to be productive beyond our capabilities, so this article is relevant for most of …
Neurotic life, resilience and handling stress
I am probably a neurotic person. For sure I react to stressors. Fortunately, I am also sufficiently intelligent to channel my anxieties in a constructive way. In this article, I share my personal ways to deal with neurotism backed up by scientific research. For more information check out here, here, here, here, here, here, here …
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Funny, animals, and scientists
Every year, my April 1st article is dedicated to humor. Humor is very basic to what makes us humans. Babies laugh well before they can walk and talk. Some animals, like rats and apes, are also capable of laughter. Some scientists claim this is a side-effect of the mirror neurons which can be responsible for …
New era of job relations
New era job relations is about to dawn. There has been a fair number of industrial revolutions, yet each such revolution is fundamentally different from the previous one. And while we wait for machines to be smarter than people, we experience a small revolution in job relations. Today I suggest reading here, here, here, here, …
Man and machine working together
Man invented tools at the dawn of history. For millennia these tools were improved and redesigned, until today, for the first time in human history, these tools might be smarter than us. Super-smart computers are scary and unpredictable. There are reasons both for concern and for optimism. You are welcome to read more here, here, …
Stoicism and perfectionism
True happiness cannot be bought. Some people argue that an ancient slave could be more happy than today’s engineer. Stress could be more important to happiness than food, medicine or even freedom. For more reasing check out here, here, here, here, and here. The curse of perfectionism For the sake of happiness, it is not …