New era job relations is about to dawn. There has been a fair number of industrial revolutions, yet each such revolution is fundamentally different from the previous one. And while we wait for machines to be smarter than people, we experience a small revolution in job relations. Today I suggest reading here, here, here, here, …
Man and machine working together
Man invented tools at the dawn of history. For millennia these tools were improved and redesigned, until today, for the first time in human history, these tools might be smarter than us. Super-smart computers are scary and unpredictable. There are reasons both for concern and for optimism. You are welcome to read more here, here, …
Stoicism and perfectionism
True happiness cannot be bought. Some people argue that an ancient slave could be more happy than today’s engineer. Stress could be more important to happiness than food, medicine or even freedom. For more reasing check out here, here, here, here, and here. The curse of perfectionism For the sake of happiness, it is not …
Misconceptions and ethics
Our misconceptions are used by master manipulators in ways that will not make us proud. It takes a special type of knowledge and mindfulness to resist. For more please read here, here, here, here, here, and here. Convincing people and con artists In 2002 a startup I worked in was acquired by a bigger company. …
5 Key Steps to Becoming a Lifelong Learner – And Why You Should Care
Lifelong learning is a common passion for all readers and authors of this blog. While researching the materials for the new posts I found several very well written and refreshing articles on Open Colleges site. While reading I got an email. Opening the email I saw the name of one of the authors I enjoyed reading, …
Continue reading “5 Key Steps to Becoming a Lifelong Learner – And Why You Should Care”
Making hard decisions easier
Quite often we need to make hard decision. Many of these decisions have to do with priorities. We do not want to give up on any of our inspirations, yet if we pursue all of them we will die of fatigue. Occasionally there is no good solution, and occasionally an unexpected solution will work. For …
Magical thinking and how we persuade ourselves
Magical thinking is one of the most potent cognitive biases. Of all people in the world, it is easiest for us to lie to ourselves. This self-deception may help us remain strong in times of great danger and uncertainty, and it may also lead to our downfall in times of prosperity and stability. In this …
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What is your annual theme?
Today we start a new year, and it is great to start it with renewed purpose and motivation. To do that we use a tool called “annual theme”. You can have weekly or monthly themes, but an annual theme is more appropriate. Today’s selection of articles is very good. Do not miss a chance to …
Grateful and optimistic
I have written many posts about failure, and very little about success. Usually, we think that success is the end to our trouble, but unless we are careful the success can be very dangerous. For today’s most you can read more here, here, here, here, and here. Yin Yang The end of December is the …
Consciousness beats lifestyle
As the year is about to end it is a great time for a personal reckoning. Obviously, you do not need to wait for the end of the year. You will be surprised to know I wrote this article back in June, and simply scheduled it for today. This time I selected a wide range …