Why Authenticity is an Essential Element for the Writer’s Personal Brand

Honesty and personal style are very importand for any creative work, including effective memorization practice.  They can also be very important for effective communication and your career. A professional writer and marketer Jade Parker argues that anyone can develop true authenticity following very simple guidelines, at least when writing. Try to see if you can apply …

How to Implement Design Thinking in the Classroom

You have probably noticed, that around 50% of our new content is dedicated to guest articles.  Brenda Savoie is a private English tutor and desperate dreamer. Writing her first romantic novel. Check her blog Best Writing Clues.  Find her on Twitter and Facebook. This particular subject was chosen for several reasons. First, it is very …

Self awareness and cognitive biases

People are not perfect. Some of these imperfections are known as cognitive biases. Being aware of our cognitive biases, we may be able to mitigate them. Self-awareness is strongly linked to personal wellbeing, professional success, and learning abilities. For more reading please check here, here, here, here, here, and here. Why questions Being a scientist, I …