World war zero: Spanish succession, Austrian succession and the age of Napoleon


A fun idea in reading very fast and remembering everything is coming up with connections other people rarely notice or do not want to discuss. History is a subject characterized by very deep expertise. This means that experts spill ink discussing very narrow very local subjects. Global phenomena are somewhat harder to address and easier …

10 Myths Debunked: Mastering a New Language is Easier Than You Think!

Today, we’re here to address the top 10 most common myths surrounding language learning. So, buckle up and get ready to debunk some myths that have been holding you back from mastering your desired language. Debunking the most common myths about language learning can help you realize that it’s an achievable and rewarding goal. Whether …

Atomic visualizations using the face of the clock


I define atomic visualization as compound visualizations of multiple keywords that cannot be easily disassembled. Due to strong connectivity between the keywords, these visualizations are faster to make and easier to retain. In this article I provide a clock-related way of generating such visualizations. It may work for up to 12 objects with complex relations. …

Why Summarization Is The Key To Understanding Complex Information


The summary is an overview of the most crucial points of the main text. It makes the author’s main idea or debate of the text more attainable or applicable to a wider audience. The summary is a repeated combination of the main ideas of the article in your own words—that is, the explanation. Summarising is …

Dr Strange and multidimensional mental structures


Mindmaps and mental palaces are essentially two-dimensional structures. This allows for simple navigation: linear and lateral itineraries.  99% of the time this is more than enough. Articles are fixed: once we place an article in a mental structure it is not likely to move. Projects are hierarchical. We can move up and down the hierarchy …

Humans Can’t Be Measured by Numbers Alone: Here’s How to Separate the Data from Truly Actionable Insights


Businesses have never had more data available than now, and it’s never been easier to access. There’s even data about data and analytics! With so much at our disposal, there’s no reason to be uninformed about your customers or business – unless you’re just not trying. But to be informed on a human level, connecting …

Eleven Astonishing Health Benefits of Tattoos


Both ancient art and archaeological finds of possible tattooing tools indicate that tattooing was practiced in Europe in the Upper Paleolithic period. Another meaning of a tattoo is a permanent reminder of something powerful in life or an experience that cannot be forgotten and many times, tattoos give people a sense of empowerment Reminds. Tattooing …