Typically we describe visualization in the context of creativity and learning since this is a focus of our interest. Visualization is extremely useful in many other situations. Recently I noticed that many of memory masters are very good in activities that typically require grit. I think this is because of the incredible power of visualization. …
Reading contributes to well being and fights stress
Usually, we consider reading as a way to acquire other knowledge or skills: for a career, hobby or self-help. Arguably, reading has its own intrinsic value. When we read for fun or as a sport, it does something to our soul. It also has positive physiological and psychological effects. In this post, we focus on …
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Forgetting and relearning
We learn many things. Some things we use repeatedly and remember them even better. Some things become irrelevant, so we need to adapt and relearn them. Other things we simply forget. Do the things we forgot haunt our memories? This post is inspired by this article. The long term memory and the short term memory …
Activities that will make you smarter
You can create your own training routine, improving it with exercises that work for you. These exercises may be highly unconventional. When I was learning, the exercises that worked best for me were memorizing sequences of colored lights and hidden object games – you will not find these games in now official resources. This article …
Focus control
When learning, focusing may be quite hard there are several reasons for it, and several strategies to bring the focus to the subject at hand. People with attention-deficit (ADHD) and emotional problems may occasionally need some extra help to regain focus, including breathing exercises and medicine. Fatigue Quite often focus drifting away is quite natural. …
Distributed practice
There are several ways of generating long-term retention. Distributed practice is the most natural way to achieve this. We do not need any additional mnemonic devices: we just need to space our learning sessions intelligently and quiz ourselves. How does this work? If we want to remember something for years, we need many exposures to …
Productive failure
We are not as open minded as we would love to think. Sometimes only a resounding failure can trigger a learning experience. This and this articles inspired me to write the post. Learning is not always good. If we would learn and relearn everything, question any piece of knowledge we have, we would not be …
The theory of overlearning is complex, the implementation of overlearning is very simple. You learn something till you get nearly 100% score, take some rest and then you learn it some more to get nearly 100% score the next time you need to use your skill. In other words, if you simply learn something and …
Reinvent yourself
My personal biggest challenge is reinventing myself over and over again. In this article, I want to address the issues I often face and some things I have learned by facing these issues. The need to reinvent myself is a result of my lifestyle. I work with the newest most exciting technologies out there. The …
Your life as a story: using autobiographic memory
Quite often we can view our life as a story. People often tell that before the clinical death they could see their whole life passing before their eyes. This is the autobiographic memory in action. Autobiographic memory is very important in our life. We can train it, we can use it to remember other things, …
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