Give yourself a gift: triple something you want or cut by half something you don’t

While there are many ways to spend our weekends and holidays, some are simply more effective than others. We definitely spend some of our time with our loved ones, volunteer and travel. Yet after doing all of these things hopefully there should still be time to make a vital change in our lives. You might …

Return on investing in learning and exponential growth


Learning is considered an exponential growth skill. However, not all learning is equal. Can we use the return on investment analysis for our learning experience? Sure! Do many people think this way? Not really. Let us go through the myths and realities of earning by learning. How to maximize the full keytostudy offering? The accelerated …

Metaknowledge or metawisdom? Learning to learn and thinking about thinking

What should we learn or know and why? This is a question driving me beyond accelerated learning and epistemology, into the research of meaningful life.  Is there a single answer for all men and women, or each of us is doomed to create his own meaning? Let us brainstorm together. Introversion by adversity With COVID19 …