Learning is great. When we learn new things our inner world gets richer, we become more proficient in what we do and we can handle more complex tasks. Learning does not necessarily make us healthier, happier or more financially or professionally successful. At least, learning is only a secondary component for each of these venues. …
Why Authenticity is an Essential Element for the Writer’s Personal Brand
Honesty and personal style are very importand for any creative work, including effective memorization practice. They can also be very important for effective communication and your career. A professional writer and marketer Jade Parker argues that anyone can develop true authenticity following very simple guidelines, at least when writing. Try to see if you can apply …
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The memory-friendly way to say no
Quite often we need to say “no”. Our language is very rich, and there are many ways to do that. Some ways are very direct, while others are more subtle. The way we choose to say “no” may affect our memory. For more information I suggest reading here, here, here, here, and here. Japanese: a …
The vicious cycle of extreme productivity
Good and bad multitasking is a subject we review quite often. Usually, the focus is on how to multitask correctly. Recently I became aware of the people who take the right multitasking to its limits and beyond. For additional reading I selected here, here, here, here, and here. The perfect schedule There is such a …
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Creating abundance
For me abundance is not something measurable, it is a feeling of fulfillment where what we have surpasses what we want to have. Inflated expectations are one of the greatest sources of suffering in the modern society. Consumerism makes us want things and if our self-worth is based on our achievements we also start to …
Forgive to empower yourself
Forgiveness may be easy for some, but definitely, it is hard for me. Yet at some point not long ago I understood that past attachments do not allow me to pursue my passions. Passion often comes during the action, by focusing on the action and enjoying it. Having the focus invested in some past events …
Learning to make mistakes
We all make mistakes. Can we properly learn from our mistakes? Maybe. There are some tips that can help. You can find more here, here, here, and here. This time you should really read the resources I mention. Classification of mistakes There is no clear classification of mistakes except for legal mistakes. In legal documentss, …
Work life balance: set boundaries, get effective, learn to say no
There are many positive skills and habits we know should master and practice in our lives. Finding time to practice these skills may be challenging. In fact, being skilled we are often sought after by other people. If we please all people who need our attention, we may lose the skills we cherish. Setting the …
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Getting out of comfort zone
Getting out of the comfort zone is important for personal growth and crucial for any attempt of achieving greatness. After my marriage with Anna she was convinced I am not living to my potential. So she made it a personal goal to take me out of my comfort zone. This is not an easy task, …
Society and communication
Today is a special day for working people. There used to be demonstrations celebrating the ability of common people to negotiate complex deals with their employers and fight for fairness. The working relations have changed, and blue color jobs are moving to developing countries or getting automated. As the jobs become more complex, the need …