Why Authenticity is an Essential Element for the Writer’s Personal Brand

Honesty and personal style are very importand for any creative work, including effective memorization practice.  They can also be very important for effective communication and your career. A professional writer and marketer Jade Parker argues that anyone can develop true authenticity following very simple guidelines, at least when writing. Try to see if you can apply …

Work life balance: set boundaries, get effective, learn to say no

There are many positive skills and habits we know should master and practice in our lives. Finding time to practice these skills may be challenging. In fact, being skilled we are often sought after by other people. If we please all people who need our attention, we may lose the skills we cherish. Setting the …

Using visualization to improve physical and psychological well-being

Being a superlearner, you have a powerful visualization technique in your toolbox. It is only reasonable to ask what this toolbox can be used for other than learning. The answer is somewhat complex and very exciting. Today I will talk about the healing power of your visualizations. This article is a sort of an overview …