For many people, humor is a serious matter. When used with proper care humor can release tension, improve productivity, generate long-term memories, and make us enjoy stepping out of our comfort zone. April’s fool day is a great day to write a serious article about humor, and I am not going to miss this opportunity. …
Grit and perseverance
Typically we describe visualization in the context of creativity and learning since this is a focus of our interest. Visualization is extremely useful in many other situations. Recently I noticed that many of memory masters are very good in activities that typically require grit. I think this is because of the incredible power of visualization. …
4 Breathing Exercises That Can Increase Your Learning Potential
Occasionally we invite guest writers to contribute to our blog. Today it is my privilege to introduce an article by Helen Sanders from The healthambition blog is full of useful materials and we hope to strengthen our cooperation in the future. If you have questions to Helen or want to invite additional articles please write to …
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Productive failure
We are not as open minded as we would love to think. Sometimes only a resounding failure can trigger a learning experience. This and this articles inspired me to write the post. Learning is not always good. If we would learn and relearn everything, question any piece of knowledge we have, we would not be …
Brainy habits
There are many ways to study in life. Some ways are more conventional than others. There is an intricate connection between what we do and what we know. Some habits may have a surprising effect on our brain. This post was inspired by this, this, this and this articles. Conventional education It is pretty safe …
Learning fights depression
Some of our students get depressed. Depression is a very common problem, and we can address it here. Meditation/sports, good sleep and practicing gratitude can partially fight depression. This article shows that learning is also an effective tool to fight depression. How? Sense of purpose Some people claim that happiness is a combination of pleasure …
Accepting myself
We often proclaim that our students need to find their own way. What do we mean and what is the main obstacle? People are different. This is what makes us more interesting and valuable. Jewish wisdom proclaims “He who saves one soul it’s as if he saved the entire world”. Yet we are continuously conditioned …
How to do “life”
Quite often our students ask me for advice regarding juggling various tasks. Recently I read this article on psychologytoday and it made me think.To which extent can we gamify our lives and “win” as a result? Life is hard for everybody. Each of us gets a different bucket of skills and challenges, as we get …
Is there such as thing as too many ideas?
There is such a thing as having too many ideas. In the world of business and entrepreneurship there is an analysis procedure just for this sort of things. You could analyze risks and benefits, business environment, your ability to execute each idea and choose to focus on the best overall prospect. When you treat yourself …
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Meaningful life: a superlearner perspective
For a superlearner having a meaningful life is a bit more than it is for most people. Being able to learn fast is a power, and with power comes responsibility. What is considered to be life fulfilment for most people? Finding a job that brings food on the table, having a couple of kids, contributing …
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