“By all means, marry. If you get a good wife, you’ll become happy; if you get a bad one, you’ll become a philosopher.” Socrates From time to time I stop to write about my family and my personal life. There are several reasons for this. I was not married to Anna, nothing of what you …
Creating your own luck
Occasionally our students report feeling unlucky or depressed and trying to change their life by learning a new skillset. While superlearning is probably not the right skillset (I am planning to develop something more focused next year), we do want to help these students. Here I try to address 3 common issues, which all of …
Digital detox
When our performance drops and the more we work the stronger it drops, this is a sign of burnout. There are different kinds of burnout. One of the ways we get burned out is overstimulation. We are connected to many people on many devices, each contact is yet another stimuli. Our brain has adapted to …
Do not sabotage your mental strength
Mental strength is an important element in becoming a superlearner. The skillset is very extensive, so everyone has issues with some skills. At times we have doubts, maybe we think that we are not good enough, we do not have time for this, or we are doing something wrong… Some other times we are acting …
Creative consistency and persistance
Creative consistancy for success creative consistancy http://lifehacker.com/the-under-appreciated-benefits-of-creative-consistency-1678061573 http://www.military.com/special-operations/seal-training-mental-preparation.html Take it into new directions – be creativ http://www.businessinsider.com/50-universal-truths-for-success-2013-10 When we are talking about creativity, we usually think about “WOW” moments, new perspectives, brainstorming and excitement. However, this is probably about 10% of being creative. The other 90% is persistence, hard and gray work of finding one …
Finding time to read more
Quite often I am asked: “When can I find time to read?”. This is a very good question, and there are several disciplines that address it from several perspectives. First of all, if you do not have time to procrastinate you will probably have no time to read. It is important to understand, that just …