We want to introduce a new superdeal. This is supposed to be a very powerful offer. The product should be strong enough to make a huge change in someone’s life. The focus is not on gaining new tools, but on gaining new perspectives. A product like that supplements your learning toolset with an entirely different …
Thank you note
This article is not going to be long. I wish you a happy new year, and I want to thank you for your support. Every time you write me a warm mail really matters. We are not really building a business, but a community for people who want to be their best selves and make …
Walking meditation and PAOs
Walking meditation is a great activity to deal with stress and feel closer to nature. We usually walk in the local park. As the itinerary is repetitive, we can make it more fun by placing PAO visualizations as we walk. Reviewing these PAO visualizations we may be reminded of the tasks we want to perform …
Eight underrated things to remember on the first school day
What are the most underrated tips for the first school day that can help both parents and kids? The tips are very simple, a product of experience. You might know them and yet I wish someone told me these tips years ago, TLDR 1. Communicate realistic expectations 2. Minimize logistics but provide backups 3. Extracurricular …
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7 Ways to Restore Your Nervous System
Have you ever woken up in a panic and realized you slept through your alarm? Or maybe you completely forgot about an important deadline. High-stress moments like these trigger our fight-flight-freeze response, causing a release of adrenaline and hormones in our bodies. When you experience these moments often, your nervous system can easily become overloaded. …
The useful authentic self vs the real life
What is our unique offering? How can we be both ourselves and competitive in the modern environment? The key is authenticity, but a well-orchestrated one. Basically we develop a winning skillset and then own it. That’s a very human quality. More reading here, here, here, and here. Why should we be authentic? Anna often tells …
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6 Benefits Of Mobile Gaming To Your Personal Development
While still a relatively new industry, mobile gaming has seen a significant increase in popularity in the last decade. Smartphones are capable of a wide range of functions these days, with gaming being one of the most popular. This has been noticed by businesses as well. In 2021, mobile games will have produced the biggest …
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Autobiographical memory: your personal time machine
Some people remember their lives better than anything else. Very few remember their lives perfectly. How and why we can use autobiographical memory? Is that a blessing or a curse? Can we change our memories? More reading here, here, here, here, here, here. Autobiographical memory My own autobiographical memory is not very good. If the police …
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Funny visualizations and memory humor
Some of our visualizations are creative and funny. If nothing logical pops up, funny is probable the best choice. Funny visualizations are memorable, cheerful, and fun to revisit. Just like funny youtube clips! However, there is a caveat. Some of us cannot remember a joke! More reading here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. …
16 Best Educational Films for Students
It is not a secret that there are certain films in each class that you can focus on, and each of these films can help in some way. It all comes down to understanding why these films are very useful and can allow you to get very good results. Also, for best results, we advise …