We mention memory markers a lot in different contexts and courses. Memory markers are used to recall certain experiences. Experiences can be different, as well as memory markers. All of these markers are important and useful, and I want to explain how they can be used. This is becoming a bit confusing, so I want …
The anatomy of gratitude
When we talk about gratitude we often assume that gratitude is something specific, one very clear feeling that we all experience. I do not believe this to be true. As far as I know, there are many kinds of gratitude, constructed from very different elements. More reading here, here, here, here, here, and here. Mental …
101 questions to ask yourself
Asking questions is the basic and most effective tool of creativity, productivity, and happiness. When we question ourselves, we may find our true purpose. What questions should we ask? Find some examples below. For more reading see here, here, here, here, here, and here. Annoying 101 lists To be honest the 101 lists slightly annoy me. …
Managing personal insecurity
The ruling paradigm claims that we should rely on our strengths to manage personal insecurity. All of us have doubts and all of us have strengths. Both are very easy to identify. If it was easy and beneficial to manage insecurities by relying on strengths, everyone would do that by now. Somehow this is not …
Personality awareness
One of the basic skills of emotional intelligence is understanding yourself: personality, motives, and emotions. This is one of the possible steps to harness the things that make us special: honesty, authenticity, compassion. Unfortunately, no school teaches this particular skill. Even meditation usually focuses on transcending self rather than leveraging it. Let us think about …
The art of reflection: master life without filters
As we become productive, we need to lose some of our filters. So we get also more vulnerable. Dealing with this vulnerability is easy and important, and in any case, it should not be ignored. The filters need to be replaced by reflection. Additionally, as we become more productive, investment in resilience should grow. Reflection …
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Digital addiction: the good, the bad and the ugly
A digital detox does not solve our addictions. We need screen time for learning, creativity, and productivity. Other things tend to grab too much attention. Sometimes we “lose it”. Is there such a thing as a good digital diet? More reading here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. The promise of the office …
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Legacy: writing for your children
What motivates people? This seems to be a trivial question, but the answers are often amazing. In this article, I will focus on some of my own motives for writing this blog and related materials. The reason is very simple: if any of these applies, you might want to use some of my tools. Secret …
Writing a Gratitude Diary Is Actually Have a Greater Impact on Our Happiness
This guest post by Samantha Kaylee is the best resource on the gratitude diary I saw so far. It is very practical and full of great tips. I am really happy to share it. Apart from all the hustling and bustling of our daily lives, people nowadays need to find gratitude for whoever they are …
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Guitar course
For a while, I have been planning to release a course dealing with hobbies. How do we choose a hobby, and how we can enjoy the hobby and learn from it. So after some consideration, I created a course dealing with guitars. This course is a product of love and joy, and I welcome you …