How does our brain change as we age? Is some age preferable to another? Can we choose how to age? Go to the end of the document for practical tips. For more information read here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. Update: Please notice, some of the links above might not work and …
Sense of purpose and longevity
Sense of purpose is correlated with longevity. This is scientifically clear, but what does it really mean? Is the long life indicator of a lifelong mission, or people who learn to FIND purpose live longer? Can all of us learn from them, live longer and better. Learn more here, here, here, here, here, and here. …
Gamifying learning activities
We want to gamify everything we do with our children. How can we do that? Probably no schoolbook has an adequate answer here. I will share my experiences, and what I know. If you can share yours, please do. Octalysis The Octalysis Framework is a human-centric gamification design framework that lays out the eight core drives for …
Grounding, resting your eyes, and becoming creative outdoors
Hugging trees is not just for the hippies! Apparently everyone can enjoy nature and get some measurable extras: grounding, creativity, eye rest. For more reading, see here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. Oh, and I provide plenty of my own tips to small to be a part of any course. No-brainer …
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Remote Management Best Practices: How to Improve Employee Productivity
This guest post deals with remote management and productivity. It is not just for corporations. Many of us have various service providers in remote locations we cannot do our job without. They deserve our respect and support. In light of the global health pandemic, most businesses have shifted to remote work or work-from-home setup in …
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The benefits of aging
Getting older sucks, but there are some useful benefits that come with age. It is our duty to leverage them in ourselves and in our mentors. Let us brainstorm the issue together. As a mentor for this article, I address Peter Drucker. Jumanji 2 Recently I watched Jumanji 2 with my kids. The movie is …
Rethinking religion to transcend your stress
Religion can make people happier and less stressed. We do not have to follow any official religion to get some of the positive effects. I do not have a better word for the practice than transcendent. For more reading, I prepared articles here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. Religion makes people happier …
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Memory, Meditation and Victorious Mind
Anthony Metivier is one of my mentors for a very good reason: he always has something new and exciting to tell. Recently he released a book called “The Victorious Mind“. This book happened to be a best-seller on Amazon for a while. This article is inspired by the book. I seriously recommend reading the book, …
Fighting boredom and gloom
The title might be misleading. Should we fight, accept, or embrace boredom? Can we support a high quality of life while being bored? How? More reading here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. Lost age of boredom We seek entertainment, enjoy the interesting engagement and love to play. This is great, but we evolved …
Towards a mindful society
I have been procrastinating with this article for a while. Mindfulness is just one of those subjects who are overhyped and underrated at the same time. As individuals, we can practice mindfulness, but wouldn’t it be better to live in a mindful society? As it happens, I have more than just opinion and these opinions …