Give yourself a gift: triple something you want or cut by half something you don’t

While there are many ways to spend our weekends and holidays, some are simply more effective than others. We definitely spend some of our time with our loved ones, volunteer and travel. Yet after doing all of these things hopefully there should still be time to make a vital change in our lives. You might …

Our mission

It is not a secret that education is broken. Please ask yourself: How much of what I learned in school and university I still remember? If the amount of time and money spent at school/university was used on something else, what could I achieve? What percentage of learning was life changing, exciting or simply interesting? …

What are the principles behind keytostudy methodology?

With recent success of our “Become a superlearner” Udemy class and book with the same name, I am often reminding myself our humble beginnings and principles that became key to our methodology. The keytostudy methodology was built as a result of many years of research by Anna Goldentouch and myself. The methodology is built upon …