What is the real value of cryptocurrency? We know the stories about perfect ledgers and solving complex puzzles. Somehow this does not FEEL right. Is there a real story hiding behind the buzz? What determines the bitcoin price? And what is the position of the regulators on the subject? The story we are told Let …
Working and fighting for your future self
Career and personal growth are a sort of fight we should take, no matter how hard and what are the odds. Like everything goes in war and love. Yet, our future self is the least likely person to mobilize all of our energies. Why? What we can do to overcome this? Humble beginnings Like most …
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Conceptualized self: Are we perfect the way we are?
We are perfect the way we are. This is a mantra I hear and read very often, yet I fail to implement it in my way of thinking. Where is the catch? Why is it so easy to feel imperfect? Can we become perfect again, and if so, how? I feel flawed I am flawed. …
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Productivity pipelines
How do we organize our activities? There are many methods. I claim that if you like mindmaps, you will organize your activities in pipelines. This methodology is flexible and effective. It comes from the computer architecture universe. How do we approach productivity? While I briefly address common productivity subjects, my productivity course is very DIFFERENT. …
Shaping your brain you design your life
We can basically design our own life. This is challenging, but well within our capabilities. In more than one way our life is our greatest creation, and it deserves our respect. It is definitely not science, and in may fail, not unlike the greatest culinary creations. In this article, I invite you to my “kitchen” …
Identity and destiny
One of the hardest questions I know: do we have power over our destiny? I will rephrase. To which extent are we controlled by our passions and indifference rather than a conscious choice? Which individual differences guide our decisions and luck? Can we learn our own identity? Can we learn to be better as human …
Nineteen century military and productivity
History is cool, but how can we learn from it? This month for fun I read several articles about Napoleonic wars. I will use the information within as a metaphor for productivity. Enjoy, and maybe learn something. Napoleonic quotes Napoleon is sometimes quoted about leadership. Some of these quotes are misplaced, but I will ignore …
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History, markers and chunking added to the memory course
Following popular demand. I added 3 new sections to the memory course. The new sections deal with markers, big history, and chunking. I am planning to add more sections to the course in the future. You are welcome to send me a request for new content. Why is memory training so confusing? Since we start …
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Second wave lessons
The second COVID19 lockdown recently ended in Israel. How was it different from the first one and what did my family learn from it? That’s a long story with a long reading list. So get comfortable and listen carefully. If you want to learn more I recommend that you visit my course teaching masterclass and …
The anatomy of gratitude
When we talk about gratitude we often assume that gratitude is something specific, one very clear feeling that we all experience. I do not believe this to be true. As far as I know, there are many kinds of gratitude, constructed from very different elements. More reading here, here, here, here, here, and here. Mental …